Old enemies in Sparks city

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Astrella's POV

(The time Zak separated from them)

We were at the convenience store eating hamburgers and soda, except for ben who drank some smoothie(ben is really addicted to those). I look at my wrist watch and Zak is still no where to bee seen and didn't even make a call! I wish he couldn't be in any trouble.....

"Ben stop that's like the third smoothie already." I said as ben buy another one and sit beside me.

"Sorry can't help it." He mutter and continue sipping. I roll my eyes and just was about to make a call when the whole place shake up and then we heard a loud explosion.

"What's that!?" I ask getting off my seat.

"Well let's find out." Rex said and we run out of the store and into where the explosion is. There was a large fire and wreck up cars everywhere. That's when we saw one no three figures in the fire, they come closer and closer until.......

"Biowolf!? Skalamander!? Breach!? What the heck you three are doing in here!?" Rex ask the three weird persons or animals.

"Rex Salazar...its unexpected to see you here." The creepy girl with two freaking large arms said in a slowly but scary tone.

"That girl is giving me the creeps..." Ben whisper at me.

"I can't agree more." I whisper back to him.

"How the hell you three get in here!? Breach can only teleport in the past and the future because if that metal thing she was wearing." Rex said.

"Its none of your business...kid. Now step aside we got some work to do for our boss." Biowolf said.

"Let me guess your boss is Van Kleiss right!? He is always your boss and now your pulling breach along too!? You want to get something important you have to go through us." Rex said and large metalic hands grow out.

"Finally someone to fight with! I can't stand long enough without coming back with bruises or even a broken bone" ben said.

"Same as me. You ready?" I ask and all of them nood.

"LET'S DO THIS!!" I shout and charge towards to the biowolf who charge towards to me ready to punch me first and I made my hands on fire and our fists met and their was a large erupt from the place. I saw ben turn into some kind of a robot in blue and was fighting breach.(its ultimate echo echo!!)

I made a large wimp of fire and whipped his arm and toss him in the air and slam him the ground really hard, and then I throw him in the air using another element power I lift a big part of the ground and throw it on biowolf who is in the air.

But I was surprised he cut through the rocks and fly down directly to me and I dodge fast as I can and he scratch my arm a little before I throw another rock on him.

"That's it! Your being a big bad wolf so let's see if you can huff and puff more without air!!!" I exclaimed and I manage to get water from ground and some water pipes and gather them all up and I grab biowolf and trap him inside the ball of water floating on the ground. Rex was fighting skalamander and Ben as Ultimate echo echo try to find breach who keeps teleporting.

"Ben watch out!!" I shout and throw a fird ball at breach who teleport behind Echo Echo.

"Thanks Astre!!" Ben exclaimed and throw out some disc who sent out some high sonic waves knocking breach out. I release biowolf from being almost drown and throw him at skalamander and knock them two out. But breach recovered and teleport them put there and disappear right in front of us.

"They won't be causing trouble for a while but no for long. I need to know how did they get in here." Rex said still looking at the spot were the three disappear.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 16, 2015 ⏰

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