Serious Trouble

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𝘿𝙤 𝙢𝙞 𝙩𝙞... 𝙒𝙝𝙮 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙢𝙚...? 𝙒𝙝𝙮 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙢𝙚..?

Rayleigh offers to do the coating for free much to our pleasure. The coating will take three days. So we all agree to go our separate ways, to draw attention away from the bar. Shakky gives us all a Vivre card so we can find our way back to Rayleigh, once the coating is done, which Ray decides to move the ship's location.

"Well I guess we're gonna head out. I'll see you all in three days. Get well, Hachi" I say as I wave with a smile.

"See you soon, Etta!" Camie says happily.

"Be safe, Etta. Marines still roam out there." Hachi sends a smile. I nod as I walk out the bar, with Mambo slithers by me.

"I say we should hide in the amusement park." I hear Luffy say proudly. Everyone disagrees except Chopper and Brook. I simply smile. We all walk down the set of stairs and make our way to Grove 12.

"Oi, Luffy! I don't think it's a good idea to go to the amusement park." Ussop tries to convince. Then all of a sudden, a figure stands before us.

"Who are you?" Luffy questions the giant figure. But the giant didn't answer. It lifts up its hand and a bright light comes out of it, shooting a beam. We all jump out of the way, away from the explosion.

"It's Kuma! The warlord we met at Thriller Bark!" Nami tells both me and Luffy. Franky fires a Coup de Vent on the Warlord of the sea, knocking Kuma back. Luffy goes into his gear 2, while Sanji and Zoro prepare to attack as well. I summon a circle of water out of the ocean and turn it into a two sided sword, then charge at Kuma along side Mambo. Kuma goes to fire again but Luffy, Sanji, Zoro and I perform a combo attack, Mambo wrapped around its legs making him fall.

"Is he a fake?" Luffy questions.

"There's probably more than one, running around" I say. We all work together to take down the Kuma clone. Zoro seems to struggle, cause he falls on his knees. Sanji tends to him.

"He's still suffering from his wounds from Thriller Bark" I hear Sanji say.

*Poor baby* I thought, as I continue to fight. Chopper uses Cloven Roseo Metal on Kuma, enraging him and causing him to try and blast Chopper only for me to to hit him with a water hammer I made. He then easily sends me flying but was saved by Robins spider net.

"Thank you, Robin" I thank her. She sends me a smile. Franky tries to attack him from above only for fake Kuma to try and blast him, but is saved by Usopp when he uses Atlas Suisei to distract Kuma. Suddenly, Usopps attack manage to injure him badly.

"He's just like me! Enhanced with weapons but still human. Usopp explosive must have gone inside his mouth and gave him a severe internal damage!" Franky yells. Kuma tries to blow us all away with a laser from his mouth only for it to be closed shut by Robin causing to shoot himself, Nami quickly strikes him. It causes him to go berserk. Zoro gets back up and attacks, followed by Sanji and Luffy to finish him off.

We all are completely wiped, having had to use all our strength to fight to Kuma clone.

"What are we to do now?" Usopp says. Before anyone can answer,

"Straw hats!" Someone calls out. Out form the sky drop an axe-wielding figure, along with yet another Kuma cyborg. "I'm Sentomaru and this here is Pacifista, PX-1." Sentomaru points to another clone. Then the PX-1 fired at us, forcing us to dodge.

"Split up and run! We're too weak to fight them!" Luffy yells. Sanji sticks with Nami with Franky tagging along. Usopp goes with Zoro, Brook joining. Luffy, Robin and Chopper together. Leaving me and Mambo together. As running, someone lands in front of me, a few feet away. Sentomaru.

"Now where do you think you're going, 'Siren Queen' ?"He says with a smirk as he holds an axe.

"Thought I'll get away" I answer, as I hold a sword sides sword made of water.

"Didn't know, Straw-hat was your son" He asks.

"What can I say. All my children are popular." I say with a smirk.

"You have more?" He questions.

"I'm a mother of 5. Now let's get this started" We both charge at each other, weapons clashing.

MINUTES PASSED, and I turn to see the Pacifista attack.

"Sorry but I should help them." I say as I was about to run. But was blocked by Sentomaru as he aims he axe at me. I quickly dodge. Then all of a sudden, I hear then all yell Zoro's name. I manage to hit Sentomaru, knocking him to his knees. I quickly run towards the other, seeing them standing in shock. I look around to find Zoro missing. I turn to look at a Kuma holding a bible book. Must be the real one. Kuma advances to Sanji, Usopp and Brook, prompting Brook to try to defend the two. However was vanished by Kuma. I grow shock, as I see Sanji go for an attempted but is knocked aside, leaving Usopp to himself. One by one, they all start to vanish by the paws of Kuma. All alone sits Luffy crying for his crew, naming his head on the ground. I quickly run towards him but was stopped by Sentomaru, him holding me down on the ground. Luffy turns around, spotting me.

"Mama!" Luffy cry's. As he try's to move he was stopped by Kuma.

"Luffy! Baby, run! Run now!" I yells as I struggle in Sentomaru hold. Sentomaru holds Mambo by his head.

"We are not going to meet again, Straw hat." I hear Kuma says as he looks at Luffy.

"No! Leave my baby alone!" I yell.

"Farewell.." He lifts his hand then brings it down to touch him.

"Luffy!" I yell as I see him vanish. I knock Sentomaru off me, he lets go of Mambo as I run towards Kuma. "Where did you send him!? Where did you send my baby?!" I hit on his leg.

"White- Haired, Aletta.." I hear someone say. I turn around to see Kizaru walk towards us.

"Kizaru..." I angrily say. Fist clenched.

"I'm not surprised you're here. Though, Straw- hat is your son, is he not?" I stare at him. "I would have taken you but I don't have orders to do so" He says. "Well goodbye then." He walks away with Kuma and Sentomaru following. I stand there looking at them until they disappear. I drop to my knees, face in hands as I cry. Mambo wrapped around my body.

*Where have you gone, Luffy...* I thought as I continue to cry...

White-Haired, Aletta(Siren Queen)Where stories live. Discover now