'Don't Feel Sad Ellie!'

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Gabby was reading a book on her phone, chilling in the couch of her and her girlfriend's apartment. After some time she heard some sniffles sounds, that immediately caught her attention, mading her got up and approach her and Ellie's room.

"Hey El? Can I enter?" Gabby asks softly, gently knowing on the door, hoping Ellie would let her in.

After some seconds Gabby could hear a sad 'Yes' from Ellie, so she opens the door and sits on their bed, next to her girlfriend. She could notice her girlfriend's eyes were slightly red, a sign that she was crying before so she wanted to know what happened.

"Are you ok baby? What happened?" Gabby asks worriedly, putting an hand on her girlfriend's shoulder but Ellie removes it by shaking her shoulder.

The ginger was trying not to cry, since she didn't want to worry her girlfriend but she just couldn't hold back anymore. Tears were now running down her pales cheeks, wetting them as she tried to wipe them off but she just couldn't stop crying.

"I- I can't do that G-Gabs...I ju-just can't...I-I'm just n-not doing too g-good right now...I-I don't feel l-like talking ab-about it right now...Could y-you just... sit next to me for a while...? Please...?"

The ginger said between sobs while Gabby nodded her head in comprehension and was getting emotional too, feeling heartbroken seeing Ellie this way. The brunette just put a hand on her girlfriend's back, caressing it slowly and trying to comfort her the best she could.

"Of course I can sit here and stay here with you for a while, sweetie..." Gabby said sadly, wiping some tears from Ellie's face and giving her a soft kiss on the cheek, hoping the ginger would calm down soon since seeing her cry was breaking her heart.

After some time Gabby got an idea so she gently moved onto the bed and grabbed Mr Whiskers, Ellie tries her best not to cry harder when her girlfriend moves away because she didn't want to bother her or waste any of her time but she just couldn't control it.

She hugged her knees close to her chest and waited for Gabby to be back. She missed her stuffed bunny, and she knew that was a way for the brunette to make her feel better. Gabby then returned to Ellie and motion Mr Whiskers in front of her, motioning him as he was kissing the ginger's forehead.

"Aww, don't feel sad Ellie! I'm Mr Whiskers, do you have any carrots?" The brunette said, imitating him as a way to cheer Ellie up, while she let out a giggle, hoping Ellie would feel better in this way.

The ginger couldn't hold her laugh as she heard the imitation of Mr Whiskers that Gabby used to cheer her up. She grabbed him and put him on her lap.

"Oh gosh, you are one silly bunny Mr.Whiskers! That doesn't seem like something a bunny would say...Are you sure you didn't eat the carrots yourself?..."

Ellie was trying to pretend to be serious while speaking to the bunny, trying to forget about her problems for some time at least.

"Yeah, I'm sure! Also you sure are my favorite carrot, Ellie!" Gabby said, still imitating Mr Whiskers voice while moving his arms, as if he was hugging Ellie.

She smiled a bit since those were very sweet words coming from him. The ginger also moved her arms and hugged Mr Whiskers tightly against her chest, as if she was hugging Gabby.

"What? No, no way I am your favorite carrot, are you saying I am... your favorite food?.." Ellie asks, being a little teasingly on the last part.

Gabby giggles at that and still continues to imitate Mr Whiskers. "What? No, no way I am saying that you're my favorite redhead, you dummy!" Gabby said with still her imitation on, motioning Mr Whiskers as he was kissing Ellie's cheek, while the brunette even made a smooch sound.

The redheaded laughed softly and gently tried to push Mr Whiskers away, slightly covering her face with her hands while giggling and laughing.

"Stooop!" Ellie said still giggling, trying to stop her giggles.

"Ok Ok, whatever the princess say, I guess~" Gabby said with a teasing and loving voice, not imitating Mr Whiskers voice anymore.

Ellie then smiles and sighs happily, leaning onto Gabby's shoulder and looking at her with soft eyes, taking her girlfriend hand in hers while the brunette placed Mr Whiskers on the redhead's lap.

"Thanks for always being there for me, Gabs... You really are very important for me, I'm so lucky and glad to have you in my life." she said softly, leaning onto her girl more and closing eyes.

Gabby smiled happily and strokes Ellie's soft hair a bit, running her hand through them as she planted a kiss on her girlfriend's head.

"Everytime El, I love you <3" The brunette said softly, bringing Ellie closer to her again and rubbing her shoulder, being very affectionate as always.

"Aww... I love you too, Gabs <3"

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