Caramel Dreams

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Today was a free day that the contestants had for themself, Ellie and Gabby were chilling together under a tree, while holding hands. Ellie was sketching a drawing of Gabby on her notebook while Gabby looked at her with a admiring gaze.

"Woah Ellie, you draw so well!" she exclaimed, complimenting her girlfriend and loving how she drawed her. Ellie blushed slightly at the compliment and chuckles.

"Thanks Gabs" she said with a soothing voice, feeling content to be with her girlfriend. She slowly leaned onto Gabby's shoulder, relaxing into the softness and warm of her girlfriend, feeling truly at peace.

Gabby chuckles, she loved having Ellie that close to her, it feels like heaven. She kissed her girlfriend forehead and puts her even closer to herself, holding her closer.

After some time they relaxed in eachother arms, they both start to feel hungry. Ellie got up and helped Gabby to got up aswell, holding her hand in a cute way while they both headed to the dining hall.

Gabby searched in the fridge and found some ice cream, it was caramel flavour.

"Would you like some ice cream Ellie?" she asked with a big smile, with her usual cheerful, excited and loud tone.

"Sure why not" Ellie answered with a smile, taking 2 spoons and one cup to put the ice cream on. They both take a sit, next to eachother, and start to slowly eat it.

Gabby then puts on her playful mode and puts her finger onto the ice cream and then touch Ellie's nose, leaving some ice cream on it.

"Boop!" Gabby giggles while Ellie nose was soiled by the ice cream.

Ellie giggled aswell and then smiled with a playful grin. "Someone wants the war here"

She then takes some ice cream with the spoon and throw it on Gabby face, while she giggles doing so.

"Hey! You will pay for that!" Gabby said giggling loudly and then gets closer to Ellie and hugged her tightly, as they both falled to the ground, feeling content and happy with eachother company.

Ellie then notices that Gabby lips have some ice cream on them, so she lean close and kiss her, wipping away the ice cream with her mouth, mading Gabby blush.

Gabby notices as well that Ellie still have some ice cream on her nose so she kiss it and wips it off. Then they both layed to the ground, in eachother arms, with Ellie stroking Gabby's hair and Gabby hugging Ellie tightly.

"You know... I love you" Ellie said to her girlfriend, with a little shy smile. It was the first time Ellie told her this and this made Gabby feels incredibly happy.

"omg.. I love you too, moja kochana" Gabby said happily while she kissed Ellie with a smile on her face.

This was a very cute day for both of them, they shared their first 'I love you' and were very happy to do this. Now they were officially girlfriends and both Ellie and Gabby were very content with this.

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