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It was a peaceful and slightly cold night, Gabby and Ellie were sleeping in eachother arms, as always, while in the middle there was Mr Whiskers. They had the blanket covering them from the cold and giving them warmth and comfort.

It was almost morning and Gabby began to wake up, since she was feeling cold even with the blanket on. The brunette opened her eyes and saw Ellie's pretty's face resting on her arm, while they both were hugging Mr Whiskers. Gabby smiled and didn't have the heart to move, since she could've woken Ellie up, so she just stayed still, trying to sleep in again.

After a couple of hours the sun shines in the ceiling and Ellie starts to wake up, stretching and making a sleepy smile since she saw Gabby still sleeping.

"Mornin' Gabs" the ginger said softly, wanting to wake up Gabby by giving her a kiss on the forehead. But after she gave her the kiss, she could sense under her lips that the brunette's forehead was very warm.

Ellie got a little concerned, since Gabby almost never gets a fever, but Ellie sometimes does and Gabby always take care of her, so the ginger doesn't know what to do but she was slowly learning how to behave openly affectionate with Gabby. She just smiles and caress her girlfriend's cheek.

After few minutes the brunette starts to wake up, opening her eyes and looking at Ellie, smiling softly at the ginger.

"Hey baby, good morning" she said softly, feeling all warm but didn't mind it since she was in Ellie's arms, still holding Mr Whiskers.

"Good mornin', so uhh... I noticed you're warm, do you think you got a fever, Gabs?" Ellie asks with concern, raising an eyebrow while her girlfriend shakes her head, but the ginger wasn't convinced so she puts an hand on Gabby's forehead to check her temperature.

"Damn Gabs, you're burning" the ginger said concerned, covering Gabby more with the blankets and going to the bathroom to take a cold towel to put on her forehead.

When Ellie returns she puts the cold towel on Gabby's forehead, making sure she was careful and loving with the brunette, since she wanted to be a good girlfriend like Gabby was with her.

Then Ellie kissed Gabby's check and stroked her hair a bit, smiling softly at the vision of Gabby hugging Mr Whiskers.

"Hey Gabs, stay still and sit up in the bed so i can serve you breakfast" she said lovingly, looking at the brunette in a lovely and affectionate way, heading to the kitchen.

In the while Ellie was in the kitchen, Gabby was in the bed, relaxing and sighing peacefully, since Mr Whiskers had the same smell as Ellie, a beautiful fragrance of strawberries.

After some minutes Ellie came back to Gabby, holding a tray in her hands, with Gabby's favorite vegan breakfast. Ellie put the tray on her girlfriend lap and kisses her head.

"Here, love" she said sweetly, smiling and stroking Gabby's leg, sitting next to her and clinging to her, while petting Mr Whiskers.

"Aww, thanks baby!" the brunette answered sweetly, looking at Ellie in awe. Gabby was going to take the fork, but the ginger took it first, smiling at her.

"Nuh uh, let me take care of you, Gabs" Ellie said smiling softly, taking some food with the fork and starts to feed Gabby, until she was done eating.

The ginger then cleaned everything up and came again to Gabby, adjusting the blanket and kissing her forehead softly, feeling that isn't as warm as before. Gabby yawned and patted the spot next to her in the bed, inviting Ellie to lay down again.

Ellie layed down next to Gabby and clinged to her, smiling softly and looking in her love's eyes with awe and love, caressing the brunette's cheek affectionately.

"I'm so glad you feel better, Gabs" she said smiling, now hugging both Gabby and Mr Whiskers, feeling in peace and being happy, same with Gabby.

"Only thanks to you, love <3" the brunette said softly, kissing Ellie in the lips tenderly, then she held both her and Mr Whiskers tightly, shifting to sleep with a smile, with her fever slowing down.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02 ⏰

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