Chapter 16

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"Okay, listen up. Sam and Malcolm, are you okay with breaching the security from the van we parked across the street?" Adam asks. They both nod, loving their techy nerd stuff. "The rest of us can go in. Also, you guys can keep an eye on the Chimaera. Follow me," he says, leading us to a hidden trap door by the gate of the neighborhood. We head down some steep steps into the tunnels. "Sam gave me a walky talky to keep in touch with," I tell them, holding it up. Sam's voice comes through "X-wing to Millenium falcon. Do you copy?" "We copy" I answer. "Great. Security is almost down, and- YUP! WE BREACHED!"

"Good job! We better go though, don't wanna be too loud. Millenium falcon out." I say, turning the thing off. "We're getting close." Adam informs us, as we approach another set of steps, this time, leading upward instead of downward. The staircase leads us into a beautiful, modern, almost futuristic home. The Mogadorians who live here must be very very wealthy. Everything is white with gold and black etching, and gold and black accents. It's breathtaking. "We need to first, close off the tunnels" Adam tells us.

He presses buttons on a panel next to the door from the stairs, and he tells us to go outside. Then, the ground shakes beneath us, and he comes out and says "there's a self destruct button, the tunnels are now being destroyed as we speak!" "Awesome!!" John exclaims. "Totally," Lucy adds. "Let's go kill some mogs," she says.

"Quick, back inside before we're spotted though," Adam tries to direct us, but as soon as we start, we hear a deep laughing coming from behind us. "Oh, don't be foolish, the festival is out here!"I know that voice from anywhere... Andrakkus.

"Shit.." Adam mumbles. "We're gonna take you down," John says, throwing fire at Andrakkus. It hits him, and he stumbles back. Now, a mix of true borns and vat borns are swarming the area, each of us having to fight. Lucy crawls on top of the roof and starts taking out Mogs from long distance with her newly acquired purple bow and arrow. Adam helps fight off Mogs around John and us, and I take down the ones coming down the road, along with their vehicles.

I fight with Andrakkus, neck and neck. "You may think you're strong, number four, but compared to me, you're nothing." I grit my teeth, dig my heels into the ground, and try to throw him to the ground with telekinesis, but it doesn't work. I end up expending too much energy, and he's able to pin me to the hard, cold earth beneath me. The concrete digs into every bone in my body as he crushes me with the weight of his hugeness.

"And now, you will die. And I will be known as the General who killed one of the most powerful Lorics in history," I try to shove him off of me, but he's too strong. He was right, he's way stronger than I am. He smiles the evilest smile I have ever seen, and starts to choke me. "John!!" Madi screams, running toward me. Andrakkus pulls my dagger out of my hands and when she puts up her hand to fire a fireball at him, he throws it at her, sending her stumbling backward with a dagger now in her abdomen.

"Two in one day!!" He smiles. My vision starts to go blurry as I lose oxygen and blood flow to my head. But then, his grip loosens, as he struggles with an unseen force. "Get off of him!" Adam yells, hitting the mogadorian general with a large rock from the now destroyed home.

"You little traitor!!" Andrakkus yells, standing up and throwing Adam to the ground. He kicks him a few times in the face, and then picks him up only to punch him. That's gotta hurt...

"You'll never be one of them! Never!!" He screams. "No, I'll never be one of you!" "Hey ugly!" Madi screams, coughing up blood. "Over here!!" He runs at her, full force, but before he can get there, a large sword comes emerging from his back and into his heart. "Right through the back, like you always taught me, right father?" Adam says, as his I guess dad falls to the ground. "Madi, John, I promise that this sword will never again be used against another Loric,"

"Madi!" I scream, remembering that she's severely wounded. "It's okay, John, it's not in a vital area, and it didn't puncture too far in, it just hurts a little bit. Okay, maybe more than a little bit. But I have an idea. I can slowly inch it out with my telekinesis, while you heal. But we should probably wait. Just leave it till we are safe." She tells me, as Lucy hops down from the roof. "We should get out of here now, there's no more coming for quite a while." She says.

Just then, helicopters swarm the area, shooting down all of the houses, and pretty much all of the trueborn mogs. "What the... those are US government helicopters." John says. "But they work with the mogs!" "Not anymore they don't," Six's voice says from behind us. "They switched sides. Sam and Malcolm come running in, and Sam and six immediately run to each other and embrace in a long hug. Marina looks angry, nine looks like nine, and then there's no five. Maybe he was the one who died... but there's no eight either.

"What the hell happened in Florida, six?" I ask, as she's letting go of Sam. We sit down next to a government vehicle for six to break us some bad news. She explains to us that five turned out to be secretly working with the Mogadorians, how he escaped, and also how him and nine got into an argument that led to him turning very violent. This, unfortunately, was the cause of our loss of number eight. Now I realize why Marina is so upset, that poor girl. We all know her and eight were in love. I don't know how hard that would be, losing the person you love. If that happened to Sarah...

"We need to heal Madi," I tell six, as I walk over to start healing her. We successfully do, and she stands up, seemingly better than ever. "Adam, I'm sorry about your dad... I know he was terrible, but I know he's still your family..." she says, looking almost sad. "Yeah man, I can't imagine how hard it was for you to do that." I add.

"I've hated him my whole life for the things he's done. For how he abused me, for how he's killed your people. millions of innocent lives,"Adam tells us. "But he was still my father. I wish things could have ended differently. For all of us." He looks down at his dad, with a few tears in his eyes, but he turns away, and then says "let's just get out of here,"

Adam and John decide that we need to get into one of the Mog skimmer ships and we fly to the Everglades to go get eight back. They have no right to keep him. "Adam, this is kinda boring, can you turn on some music?" Six asks, in a bored tone. "We don't have radios, but I can sing some lovely mogadorian tunes if you'd like," he smirks. She smirks back and jokingly tells him to "piss off"

"The base was over there," Marina directs us. Adam lands, and we go in, just me, John, Adam, six, and Marina. The others stay in the ship. Marina cries as she sees eight's body bag. "I can't believe he's gone..." she begins to cry. I put an arm around her. "Let's take him to the ship. Then, Adam. You can destroy this place. You know how, since you know how their defense systems work. Unless... are you sure you can. You know. Are you able to-

"Fight? To kill? We have to show them no mercy, because they won't show us any," Adam replies. "I'm in,"

I told him to kill all of them, destroy the base. It's the best thing I can do because I refuse to be vulnerable right now. I want to mourn, but I can't. We're in the midst of war, and I don't need anything slowing me down. We get back into the skimmer after he's done messing with all the defense systems, and then the place blows with everyone inside. We took eights body, and Marina now wears her necklace and his.

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