A Party to Remember

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Words: 1806

Warnings: Violence.



I leave a stunned maid and exit my rooms to make my way to the Great Hall. I feel the shadow of guard escorting me to the hall, though I am home in the heart of my family, who would be stupid enough to attack? I can hear the music flowing throughout the halls, the idle chatter of ignorant lords, the gossiping of cruel ladies and the whispers of the servants. It all floods my ears and tells me that I am, as always, late to the party. I rush in trying to find my mother or father. I spot my mama who's carrying Ronnael and plump with another child and run over as fast as possible.  

"Oh, Saera, look at how much you've developed these past years. Only a decade ago you were a repulsive whore, now a loyal wife and mother." One of the court ladies' gushes in a fake tone that makes my skin crawl. "I mean, look at this adorable little man, and Oh!" She turns, and surprise makes her flinch as she sees me come from behind my mother. "Look at this one and how much she's grown." The gross, stinky lady tries to reach a hand towards my cheek, but I slap it away.

"Saevys!" My mother chastises, but I can tell she is holding in a laugh.

I give the lady a disapproving look, raising my eyebrows at her outdated gown, frowning at her rusty jewelry and scrunching my nose at the stench of goat shit. "Who a-are you?" I ask.

"Oh, I am Lorena Lorch, from House Lorch, my young lady." She says.

"We-ell, Lorena Lorch." I say her name slowly so I don't mess it up, "My mother i-is a pri-incess of the sev-even kingdoms, a-and should be-e treated a-as such. I-If not, I wi-ill have someone cu-ut out your to-ongue for su-uch tre-easonous insults." I say trying to make my words sound strong and stable, but my stutter does not allow such. But I do believe I got my point across.

"Saevys Arryn!" my mother says, appalled by my statement. She leads me away from a stunned Lorena Lorch. I giggle on the way to the table, where my I see my cousin, Jeyne, presiding over the hall. I have always loved and admired my cousin, the Lady of the Eyrie, Wardeness of the Vale. I want to be like her when I grow up, strong, independent, allowed to throw men out the moon door at my every whim. I want to be a warrior, if not in title or training, in power and heart. 

"Did I do som-omething wrong?" I stutter out, trying to get it under control. "I-I just stoo-ood up for you."

"No, you did nothing wrong, my dear little one. You stood your ground and did not allow that horrid, grotesque excuse for a lady insult your family or the crown. Even at your young age you are speaking with Targaryen fire, my jorraelza." She says while running her knuckle up and down my cheekbone. As she speaks the Valyrian word, I perk up excited.

"Mama, whe-en can I-I learn High Valyri-ian," I say, slowly trying not to stutter on Valyrian. 

"Oh, my dear, learning to speak High Valyrian now with your stuttering would prove an unfruitful task. That is why we have brought in a speech instructor for you. But since you keep running out of lessons, it seems your going to have to wait longer than anticipated." She says in the voice she uses when she is trying to swindle me into doing something. I will not fall for it.

I scoff at the thought of attending the boring speech lessons for hours on end, when I could be out watching the knights train or running up and down the steps leading to the Eyrie. Though my Father will never know, I always spend my time, when not causing ruckus, in the library reading up on dragons. I want one so much, sometimes I feel like a part of me is missing. Though I love the sky-high Eyrie and being an Arryn, I want to be higher. I want to feel the cold wind whip past me, I want to feel the clouds engulf me as I fly through them at insane speeds. I want a dragon more than anything else, even removing my stutter, even wielding a sword. 

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