The Bloodbath of 119

28 3 0

Words: 3379

Warnings: Abuse, Violence, Violence, Violence, Death, Death, Death, tears WERE shed writing this.



It is still 10 hours before the, celebration of Rhaenyra's nameday. I have been in the medical wing, clutching the knife covered in Aegon's blood, staring at my friend lying motionless in a cot for hours. Her skin has a purple pallor and a light sheen of sweat covering her skin. Helaena has been there as well, along with her parents. I have been drifting in and out of sleep and when I gain conscious again, I can see that sun in just barely rising over the horizon. we have been waiting since the early evening yesterday for the maesters verdict.

The maester finally walks in with a solemn face. "I am sorry to say that in Kings Landing we do not have the medicine she needs to live; you will need to sail home as fast as possible to get the correct herbs that can help for her condition. I am truly sorry." The maester says then leaves.

"Audrane, come in here." Queen Ineona says, her voice breaking like she has been crying for hours. Audrane steps into the room and bows before his Queen. "Pack all our luggage, and get us the fastest ship possible, I don't care what it costs, we leave in the next hour, we have two days to get home for Ceola, understand?" Ineona asks strongly. "Yes, my Queen." Audrane answers, bowing before he rushes out to fulfill his orders. 

She turns to her husband, who's head is in his hands and has not moved since I have been awake, for least ten minutes ago. She pats him lovingly on the shoulder before turning to me.

"I thank you, Saevys of House Arryn and Targaryen. I formally extend a seat in Nalios to you and your family; you will always be warded from the world in Nalios. A gift for our eternal gratitude for your attempts to save our daughter, the heir." She says in a gone so calm it is almost eerie, while lightly touching my forehead. I resist the urge to flinch away from her cool touch. She then turns to Helaena. 

"I thank you, Helaena of House Targaryen and Hightower. I formally extend a seat in Nalios to you and you only, you will always be warded from the world in Nalios. A gift for our eternal gratitude for your attempts to save our daughter, the heir." Ineona says while toughing Helaena's forehead. At that moment a well-dressed servant appears with a box. Ineona opens the box and inside is two sets of bracelets, one silver, one gold, both with a large sapphire in the center. She takes out the two gold bracelets, and hands them to Helaena, then she takes out the silver ones and hands them to me. The silver is sturdy but bendable and the sapphire is as large as my eye. I put the bracelets on and bend them to my wrist size, they are absolutely beautiful. 

 "This is a custom in Nalios, that anyone who holds the gratitude of the royal Zirago family, is given two bracelets with sapphires. Silver, symbolizing that you and whomever is your closest family is welcomed in Nalios, while gold says that you and only you are welcomed into Nalios." She says while staring deep into Helaena. "Two are given so that if one might get lost, you will have another, this is a secret kept carefully to the hearts of house Zirago. Use the gifts safely and do not my gratitude for granted." Ineona says coldly before departing. Her husband hangs his head and follows her out, seemingly weighed down by grief not yet to come. I feel horrible, I couldn't save her, I couldn't save her, I couldn't save her, repeats through me head until I feel like I am about to explode.

I walk out of the sick room and storm the hallway, the sun has yet to rise so every shadow feels like a person and my brain is playing tricks on me in its heated anger. I make it to my room before I break down. I almost lost my friend, MY FRIEND. I can't think, I can't be rational, everything comes crashing down, as I do on the floor. I start sobbing like the child I hate that I am. I clutch the knife as close to my chest as possible, Aegon's blood still wetting its blade. I feel the blood drip onto my hands and slowly calm down, knowing that he will hold a scar for years for his malice and cruelty. Knowing that one day, I will be strong enough to get my revenge for the friend he has hurt.

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