Princess to Whore to Wife to Mother

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Words: 659

Warnings: Not much, but this is no children's book.


Princess Saera Targaryen, the thirteenth child born of King Jaehaerys I and the Good Queen Alysanne. Born in 80 AC, she would eventually be known as the Royal Whore, for her disobedient and promiscuous personality. Rumor has it that her first word was "no". She was known for playing cruel pranks on the court fool, Tom Turnip. Once she even stole the white cloaks of the Kingsguard and dyed them all pink. Throughout her childhood, many referred to her as the "evil child". As she grew older and into her Targaryen beauty, she entertained many squires, lords, and knights, though she did prefer three over the rest. Ser Braxton Beesbury, Lord Roy Connington, and Jonah Mooton. In the year of 95 AC, Saera, her three lordlings, and her two closest friends, were involved in a royal scandal that ends badly for everyone due to their horrid prank on Tom Turnip.

The three lordlings were thrown in the Black Cells, and Saera Targaryen's friends, Perriane Moore and Alys Turnberrry were brought in front of the King. When questioned the two ladies revealed that they and Saera had practiced kissing with each other and Saera proclaimed she would kiss a man, and kissed Braxton Beesbury. 

When Saera was brought to her father, she was scolded for the pranked that had caused such a scandal. When King Jaeherys asked if any of the three men had claimed her maidenhead, she stated proudly that each one thought they had claimed it. Saera suggested she marry all three men, comparing herself to the polygamous kings Aegon and Maegor. Saera comparing herself to such high and mighty men sent Jaeherys into a blood-filled rage. The King disowned his thirteenth daughter the next day and sent her to live with her sister Maegelle, in Oldtown to follow the Faith of the Seven. She spent a year with her ill sister following the Faith of the Seven and becoming a novice of the Silent Sisters. In 96 AC, after one year with her, Maegelle Targaryen dies. Saera is racked with grief and makes the decision to go back to the Red Keep to plead with her father. 

Saera's ways have changed, and she no longer entertains men or women and is loyal to her faith. But nothing could ever kill that mischievous spark inside of her. So, when she goes before the King, he saw that her mischief had not changed and that she was still the same. Eventually the Good Queen Alyssane convinced her husband to welcome back her so that they may see their daughter for their last years. For just over 2 years, Saera and been welcomed back at court as the Disgraced Princess. For 2 years she was insulted and looked down upon for her childish decisions. For 2 years everyone told her that she would die alone and rot in the seven hells for her sins. They were wrong about one part.

On Saera Targaryen's third year back at court, 99 AC, she received a proposal for marriage on her 19th nameday. This proposal was shocking to everyone because it came from the honorable second son of Rodrik Arryn and the half-brother to Aemma Arryn, Rymond Arryn II. Rymond was Captain of the Guard and a courageous and righteous knight. Saera obviously accepted, even though she did not know the man. The had wed two moons later and then ferried off to the Eyrie. For Saera, this was a saving, but for Rymond, he was tainted.

Saera was always and faithful and grateful wife to Rymond. She had gotten pregnant three times, miscarrying each time before finally giving birth to a daughter in 112 AC. They named her Saevys Arryn, and she was a very peculiar child. While the Maester attempted to cut to umbilical cord, he accidentally cut Saevys. When everyone expected the newborn to start bawling tears, the babe laughed and laughed and laughed.

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