7 - O

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Finally got a chapter out without having to make you guys wait for two weeks!! Character development! /j

Anyways, hope you enjoy this part!!


Diamond picked a up a piece of paper on top of the shelf. They gave it a quick glance before tossing to the side with a huff. No time to read that. She grabbed the duster on the side and dusted off the top, making sure it looked nice and neat.

"Spade, do we really have to do this?" The card asked, turning to his companion.

Spade picked up a box full of trash and placed it with the growing pile of other boxes. "Well, what else do you want to do?" They asked, turning around. "I'm not playing another round of Attach Five. This is something to keep us busy while we wait for MePhone to return!"

Diamond sighed. "I know. But can't we just use our trusty cartoon logic and magically make this place organized?"

"I mean, yeah." Spade admitted. "But what would we do after?"

"I'm sure we could figure out something! We've got loads of things here!" Diamond exclaimed, gesturing around the area. "We could also add some things to our control panel."

Spade thought for a moment. "Hmm... I guess. But let's finish what we've started at least!" 

Diamond nodded and went back to arranging one of their many shelves. There were many things placed in the wrong spot- books, board games, doodles, and a rubber duck. Diamond blinked and held up the yellow ducky before deciding throw it at Spade, just to see her reaction. The other card threw a sharp glare at him before bursting out in laughter. Diamond couldn't help but join in. 

The laughter suddenly died down, and they both sighed, getting back to work. That was, until Diamond suddenly said something.

"I wonder how our real versions are like! If we even have real versions."

Spade blinked, surprised by this statememt. He didn't know what to say. "I mean... I'm sure they'd be a bit different. You think we should ask them?"

Diamond shrugged. "If ya want to."

"Do you want to?" 

"Only if you do!"

The cards burst out in laughter again. Diamond's hand suddenly slipped from its hold. This caused her hand to knock into something on the shelf. Two cards drifted onto the ground. Diamond stopped laughing and raised their eyebrows, leaning down to pick it up.

He flipped them over, realizing that they were just regular playing cards. But why were there only two? There was usually four. Maybe there was more hidden around that they forgot about? Suddenly, Diamond glitched, and her eyes widened as they looked at the cards again, knowing their significance. 

Spade noticed this reaction and went over, a slight look of concern on their face. "What's going on?" The card asked.

Diamond showed him the cards, and after a moment, Spade glitched as well, the realization also coming to her.

"Oh," They muttered. "That's... interesting."

"Interesting indeed!" A familiar voice called. They turned out of surprise and watched MePhone4 step out of a portal.

"Hey, 4!" The two said in unison, a cheery smile suddenly on their faces. MePhone waved at them.

"So... what's the news?" Diamond asked excitedly. "Did you get them to allow us to go through your portal?"

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