Chapter 16: The Weight of Memories

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|| Remy's Point of View ||

I miss my mother every single day. The void she left behind felt like an open wound that would never heal. Her laughter, her warmth, the way she always knew how to make everything better—these were the things I longed for the most.

As I sat on the sandy shores of Past Island, watching the sun dip below the horizon, I allowed myself to remember. The memories of my mother, Evelyn, flooded my mind.


// Flashback: Memories with Mother //

Growing up, Nanay was my everything. She was my rock, my guiding light, the one person who always believed in me no matter what. I remembered the countless nights we spent together, her soft voice lulling me to sleep with stories of far-off lands and incredible adventures.

"Remy, you know about Past Island?" she would begin, her eyes sparkling with wonder. "It's a place where people go to find themselves, to heal, to discover their true potential."

I would listen intently, captivated by her every word. "Tell me more, Nay."

"Past Island is not just a place," she would say, her voice filled with mystery. "It's a journey, a test. Those who go there are challenged to face their deepest fears, to confront their past, and to emerge stronger."


There were so many moments like these, where she filled my young mind with dreams and hope. But it wasn't just the stories that made our bond special; it was the little things, the everyday moments that I cherished the most.

I remembered how she would pack my lunch every morning, always including a little note of encouragement. "Have a great day, anak. Love, Nanay." Those notes were my lifeline, especially on the tough days.

She was always there for me, whether it was cheering me on at school events, helping me with my homework, or comforting me when I was down. Her love was unwavering, a constant source of strength.


|| Evelyn's Point of View ||

Several years ago, when I was nearing the end of my journey, I found myself reflecting on my life and the incredible gift of being Remy's mother.

Remy was my joy, my pride, my everything. I remembered the first time I held him in my arms, his tiny fingers wrapping around mine. The world seemed to stand still in that moment, and I knew that I would do anything for this little boy.


// Flashback: Memories with Remy //

Raising Remy was an adventure in itself. He was curious, always asking questions, always eager to learn. His laughter was contagious, filling our home with happiness.

One of my favorite memories was when he was about five years old. We had gone to the park, and he was determined to climb the biggest tree there. 

"Nanay, look at me!" he called out, beaming with pride as he clambered up the branches.

“Ingat ka lang anak ha!" I said, my heart in my throat. But I couldn't help but smile at his determination.

He made it to the top and looked down at me, his face glowing with triumph. "I did it, Nanay! I did it! yehey!"

Past Island: Regrets and Guilt (Past Series #1) [COMPLETED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon