Chapter 17: Brothers by Heart

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|| Jax's Point of View ||

I missed Ethan more than words could ever express. Every day without him felt like a piece of me was missing, a part of my heart that would never be whole again. The memories of our time together were all I had left, and I clung to them desperately.

I was only eight years old when Ethan died, and he was eighteen. To me, Ethan was more than just my big brother; he was my hero, my protector, and my best friend. He always knew how to make me laugh, how to cheer me up when I was down, and how to make me feel safe.

One of my favorite memories was our trips to the park. Ethan loved taking me there, pushing me on the swings, and racing me to the top of the jungle gym.

"Come on, Jax, you can do it!" he would cheer, his smile wide and infectious.

I would try my best to keep up with him, feeling a mix of admiration and determination. No matter how many times I stumbled, Ethan was always there to pick me up and encourage me to keep going.


There were nights when we would stay up late, talking about everything under the stars. Ethan had this way of making the world seem less scary, of making me believe that anything was possible.

"Jax, when you grow up, you're going to do amazing things," he would say, his voice filled with conviction. "I know it."

I would look up at him, my eyes wide with wonder. "Really, Kuya? You think so?"

"Oo naman," he replied, ruffling my hair. "You've got a big heart and a bright mind, Jax. Don't ever doubt yourself."


I missed those conversations, those moments of pure, unfiltered brotherly love. The world seemed a lot darker without Ethan, but his memory was a light that guided me through the toughest times.

I remembered the day he died as if it were yesterday. We were playing in the backyard, laughing and running around, when it happened. A freak accident involving spilled water and a broken extension cord. I could still hear the sound, see the flash, and feel the panic that gripped me as I watched him fall.


|| Ethan's Point of View ||

I loved my baby brother, Jax, more than anything in the world. From the moment our parents told me I was going to be a big brother, my heart was filled with excitement and joy.

I was ten years old when they broke the news. I remember it vividly-the way they sat me down, their faces glowing with happiness.

"Ethan, magiging kuya ka na," Mom said, her voice soft and loving.

"Really?" I asked, my eyes wide with wonder. "I'm going to have a little brother or sister?"

"Yes," Dad replied, smiling. "And we know you're going to be the best big brother ever."


From that moment on, I couldn't wait to meet Jax. I would talk to Mom's belly, telling stories and singing songs, hoping that my little sibling could hear me. The day Jax was born was one of the happiest days of my life.

Holding him for the first time, I felt an overwhelming sense of love and responsibility. He was so tiny, so fragile, and I knew that I would do everything in my power to protect him.


// Flashback: Memories with Jax //

Growing up, Jax and I were inseparable. I loved teaching him new things, watching his eyes light up with curiosity and excitement. He had this incredible zest for life that was contagious.

Past Island: Regrets and Guilt (Past Series #1) [COMPLETED]Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon