Another ship to be sailed

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"Well-" Vivian muttered, "I just wanted to see you guys." 

I caught her catching a glimpse of James and at that sight, I knew we had to leave those two lovebirds alone. 

"Well sorry Vivian, you came at a bad time, but I'm sure JAMES!"I emphasised at : James, indicating to Amber that we should go, " Would love to spend time with you!" 

"Yes!" Amber exclaimed, adding on to what I had just said, pulling James towards Vivian as he resisted, "It would be best if you two would spend time together as my dearest sister and I finish of some business." 

Before any of them could respond Amber snd I jolted out of the room, giggling as we looked behind to see them blushing at each other. Amber and I crumbled into many pieces on the bed, giggling, laughing and smirking. 

"Wonder what will happen!" Amber excitedly blabbered out.

"Wonder what James will do to us once Vivian leaves..." I muttered, regretting my decision.

"Oh well, nothing we haven't handled before!"

"Oh Amber." 

I sat up straight as James entered the room, "Way to leave me hanging guys!"

Amber and I looked at each other, then looked at James.

"Where's Vivian?" Amber asked walking towards James.

"She left because you two, the ones she wanted to spend time with, left us alone!"

James angrily strode off, slamming the door behind him. 

James's P.O.V. : 

I exited Ambers room, exhaling as I finally got the chance to catch my breath. I had no reason to be mad at Sofia and Amber, I just felt frustration and didn't know why.... Maybe I was just disappointed with what had happened.


"So Vivian.." I awkwardly mumbled.

I gazed at her, she looked so beautiful, so shy, so innocent, making me feel nervous. 

"James." She said, breaking the silence.


"I-I like you..."

I stood there with shock, Vivian liked me?! 

"D-do yo-u not like m-me back?"

I opened my mouth, wanting to scream from the top of my lungs : YES! But nothing came out, not a peep.

I stared at her as a tear dropped from her precious face, "I think I got my answer..." she muttered, racing out of the room.

"Vivian, WAIT!" I called out, yet I knew it was all too late...


I sat against the walls of my bedroom, clutching onto my neck as I hear 3 knocks on my door.

"Come in..." I said.

Sofia's P.O.V. : 

I entered James's room as I spotted him on the ground, clutching onto his neck with sweat dripping down from his forehead. 

"James," I spoke, signalling Amber to come in, "Care to tell us what happened?"

James froze for a minute before nodding a yes to us. Amber and I sat beside him, waiting for him to tell us his tale.

(James explained what had happened) 

Amber and I were both speechless with our jaws hanging from our mouths. I knew all about Vivian having a thing for James, and James liking Vivian, but I didn't know she was going to confess today, and the one who confessed was Vivian!!

"Your majesties." Bailywick said, popping out of nowhere, "It's time for dinner."

James, Amber and I nodded in sync with each other as we headed out of the room, before we exited I gave James one of my "This isn't over" looks, knowing he saw it, I followed Amber and Bailywick to the dining hall.

Sofia the first : The love beyond infinityWhere stories live. Discover now