The Fallen [Once Known As Megatronus, Guardian Of Entropy And Wielder Of The

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Requiem Blaster]

the fallen previously identified as megatronus is a member of the 13 primes the creator of the Decepticons and also the mentor of Megatron his people in Transformers Revenge of the Fallen he's the leading decepticon and antagonist

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the fallen previously identified as megatronus is a member of the 13 primes the creator of the Decepticons and also the mentor of Megatron his people in Transformers Revenge of the Fallen he's the leading decepticon and antagonist

[Role in the Transformers Universe]
role in the Transformers Universe the Fallen claims that he and his siblings were the first allspark Creations the world that would one day in the future become Cybertron was mainly an inhabited and Barren but as the allspark slowly and steadily created Cybertron around him it bestowed strength Beyond imagination on the fallen and his Brethren the Cube's inner power was drained they discovered that its strength could be recharged by extracting the energies of stars but despite their extraordinary ability to move between Dimensions utilizing triangle sarcophagi they weren't able to locate additional stars to serve their needs as he explored the Fallen began to believed that the allspark was speaking to him telling him that his fate would be better than his brothers and that it had chosen him as its favoured one to help the dynasty of primes of their mission the allspark produced a race of laborers with their own exceptional Talent the capacity to morph their bodies into various shapes some known as Seekers for transform into interplanetary vessels that could discover stars for the primes the energy of which would eventually be gathered by humongous machines created by the other workers to power the allspark the Dynasty's Quest was dampened by the rule of avoiding stars with sentient worlds and the Fallen thought that the Dynasty's empathy would eventually condemn the cybertronians to destruction the Fallen began to have evil ideas as he explored a solution to this predicament what if there weren't any other primes with whom to share the allspark what if its might was all his the Fallen began to courting Transformers to join his course he shows a small group of constructicon robots to do his bidding in private eventually overthrowing the dynasty of primes in favour of his own goal this team was dubbed the Decepticons by him the fallen's most loyal and talented Seeker Jetfire began unintentionally harvesting the stars of populated star systems the pair would scan a Galaxy together and the Fallen would claim that his search regions were lifeless this tactic landed Jetfire in the Fallen in hot water with the other primes so the Fallen began to plant seeds of distruct in Jetfire he said that Prime's unwillingness to sacrifice their lives to rescue their own world would be their undoing and that a legion would be needed in the event that the primes deceived them all the Fallen attempted to construct a star Harvester by himself using a fake Matrix of Leadership that he had created it was however unstable and the explosion that occurred due to its instability gave the Fallen a strength he had never known before je was suddenly filled with evil horrific and Powerful abilities from within Megatronus Prime journeyed from world to World murdering dozens of species and acquiring any attacking gadgets that he found useful leaving the empty and desolate husks of the planets that he destroyed and his wake starting to feel a more profound sense of meaning that worked well in tandem with his dark ever engulfing Powers the Fallen grew and grew and he prepared for his ultimate confrontation with the rest of his kind as his powers inflated and arouse as jetfire embrace the Decepticons the Fallen then transported them to the new found planet Earth where they constructed a star Harvester to seize the it did however contain life the Fallen was keen on building the Harvester there either to entice his brothers into attacking while he was preparing to murder them all or to stay in limbo he won either way jetfire ultimately ended up betraying his master as soon as the other primes gathered and fell into the traitor's snare the Fallen transported the other lackeys and Jetfire away leaving him alone with his brothers the fallen's war with the other primes proved expensive they were surprised by the fallen's might and they were crushed under his cruel hand one at a time since the last time they met he'd broadened his awareness assimilated the mental bulk of a hive intellect 70 trillion strong and examined the brain operations of being that float in unstructured thought he became so much more than they had been the Fallen was capable of obtaining armaments form his stockpile using personal spatial portals and he slew his brothers one by one there was just only one prime remaining to confront him the final Prime escape with one last frantic bet and both he and the Fallen shifted from place to place the Fallen assumed this Prime was only delaying but he was tragically incorrect when the last primate gathered the remains of his defeated Brethren and the Fallen was exhausted from over teleportation he utilized their United Life Force to expel the Fallen forever the Fallen was ejected from his sarcophagus and sent to another world where he landed upon a lonely terrain threatening Vengeance this knowledge was lost over time and the dynasty of prime remained nothing more than a legend however a few thousand years later the fallen's coffin was discovered on comtemporary Cybertron and transport to the headquarters of the world's military commander Megatron sensing his rage and hatred the Fallen made a link with Megatron instilling In Him A Renewed determination to kill those who sought the allspark following Megatron's deadly struggle against a number of aliens wanting the allspark the Fallen asked him to grab a control of Cybertron in order to pave the way of his impending Resurrection he also warned him that Optimus was looking for the allspark for his own selfish used and Megatron promptly made up his mind that Optimus and all his supporters deserved to be murdered for their actions however merely capturing the world wouldn't be enough Megatronus Prime also instructed Megatron to construct a spaceship to search for The Matrix which he stated was a necessity for his return as the vessel was being built the Fallen told Megatron everything there was to know about his Origins and his intentions for the extractor on Earth the Fallen told Megatron to put his remains into the vessel and then remain behind to battle optimus's Legions and Safeguard the allspark The Vessel was  run by soundwave and a good portion of the Decepticons Warriors around this time on Cybertron a massive war broke out between the Decepticons of Megatron and optimus's Autobots resulting in the launch of the allspark into space to soundwaves utter shock the Nemesis was able to locate the Allsparks powerful signature megatronus Prime then spoke to Soundwave just when a spacecraft collided with the Nemesis and vanished trough a portal after landing the spacecraft in a lifeless and abounded world soundwave was immediately asked to chase the vessel through the portal it left behind which the Fallen soon realized was a space Bridge Megatron eventually discovered the abandoned Nemesis when he was on a hunt for the allspark after another deep and profound discussion with the fallen once again who was very very frankly outrage that Megatron had made such a massive detour je ordered him to continue the pursuit right away sure that the cube could lead them to the extractore Megatron obeyed and abounded the sarcophagus somewhere aimed the ruins soundwave's soon reappeared about a thousand years later having salvaged a small section of the space Bridge column from the autobot spacecraft Soundwave was told of Megatron's arrival soon enough by the fallen and he determined Megatron was among the cybertronians supposed to be hold hostage by humans which spurred him to return the Fallen then utilized the pillar to bend space and time finally escaping from captivity personality Michael Bay compared the Fallen with Judas Iscariot while his betrayal in the film is more akin to jehorum of Judah the fallen's malicious and self-centred and can't see any greater purpose beyond his own selfish and greedy motives

The Thirteen Primes OriginsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu