Chapter 5

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Tiffany's POV

While I was still panicking about my stupid words I failed to notice that L had walked away. I hate my mouth I hate my pride so much. I always end up giving things away when someone insults me. I lose my cool every fucking time.

"Amber honey let's go back to our room" I said grabbing my daughter's hand.

I tried to forget this whole night. I read my daughter a story. Her favourite story Little Mermaid. My daughter is weird that wasn't my favourite story as a child. As a child I loved hearing my dad read the newspaper to me. So he read me the newspaper to sleep... maybe I'm the weird one.

As I sat on the bed watching my daughter breath softly in and out. I couldn't help think about the past. I couldn't help remember how we fell in love as Tiffany and Myungsoo. How good it was before L was created.


I got off the plane from Chicago my home town. Since I had 3 month holiday I wanted to visit my brother who was in a trainee at DME which stands for Dance Music = Entertainment. Great name Dad *note sarcasm*. Anyway skipping over that I miss my aunt and uncle even though I was born in the states, I didn't live with my parents and haven't since I was 7. My genius dad got it into his head that he can make a entertainment company. Good luck with that dad.

I saw a name card with my name written on in Korean at least I think it's Hangul I can't read it very well. I can speak the language somewhat choppily but read it will be like asking me to sign my own death will. Firstly how can it not have the romanised alphabet, the world alphabet. I feel Korea, Japan, China and other countries who use their own alphabets are fucking strange. Honestly why make it so hard for the other people who want to learn the fucking language. I shall never try to actually learn to write it. I am a person who embraces her heritage when it comes to other things but writing sign me out. I walked over to the mab who was holding the card.

"Ahjussi are you looking for me?" I asked

"You are Tiffany yes?" he asked

"Yes I'm Tiffany" I said pronouncing my name with an F other than the P that is said in Korean

"This way ahgassi" he said taking my bags and leading me to the door. I followed him till I noticed a trail of girls screaming holding banners colourful ones. Aish I guess ut's one of the boys then. Oh well don't really care anyway. I walked with my head down till I hit a post well it felt like a post. I fell on my arse with a thud.

"Yah watch were you are going" I shouted

"Oh I'm so sorry" said a man voice. I looked up to see the most handsome face I've ever seen and this is coming from someone who's family has superior genes.

"That's okay" I said trying to get up but struggling he held his hand out for me and I took it. It's so soft like a girl's. "Thank you" I said softly then started walking in the direction of the butler who was waiting by the car for me.

 "Ah wait" he called out as I ran

"Yeah" I said turning around to face him

"I need your name to put with your beautiful face" he said softly. Wow smooth but I can do better but I still felt my cheeks getting hotter. No do not blush Tiffany Melanie Kang you will not blush.

"It's Tiffany" I said then turned around again walking

"Wait" he called out but I kept walking put that in your cute pipe and smoke it. I got in the car pulled down my window and threw a card at him.

"Call me pretty boy" I said as the car drove off before the car got out of sight I saw a smirk on his  face. Oh something to do this summer. I can't wait. Then suddenly my phone started ringing.

"Hello" I answered

"Tiffany Kang I got it" he said

"Well played. Call me pretty boy" I said and hung up. My summer fun had just begun

Myungsoo (L)'s POV 

I woke up this morning tired from a night of training. When is this going to end already. I just want to start promoting now.

"Myungsoo-ah wake up now" said Gyu hyung

"Ah nooo" I said putting my head back under the blanket

"Yah Kim Myungsoo wake up right now" he said

"Fine" I said getting up and making my way to the bathroom

"Hurry we have to go to the airport" he said behind me. Airport why? Nope don't even ask Kim Myungsoo just act like you never heard I said to myself but I still find myself sitting in this car dozzing off as well.

"Myungsoo balli we're here" said Dongwoo which gave me a fright and I jolted up. I walked into the airport in a daze following my members till I hit something.

"Yah watch where you are going" shouted a female voice. I looked down to see this angelic looking girl looking up at me.

"I'm so sorry" I said

"That's okay" she said when she saw my face. Then I watched her struggling as she tried to get up till I held out my hand for her. "Thank you" she said then turned around and walked away.

"Wait" I called out

"Yeah" she answered turning around like a movie scene her hair being swept by the wind

"I need a name to put to the bautiful face" I said softly which made her blush a little but she din't seem to notice or she noticed but ignored it

"Tiffany" she said then she turned back and went d then turned back and went into a black car with an opened door.

"Wait" I called out again but she had gotten into the car. Then suddenly she rolled the window down and threw out something

"Call me pretty boy" she said as the car drove off. I smirked at her and I picked up the card. I dialled the number on the card

"Hello" she answered

"Tiffany Kang I go it" I said

"Well played. Call me pretty boy" she said and she hung up. Oh I will call you


I really want to thank j931218  if she hadn't messaged me this story would have been for me only to know so thanks a lot

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