Chapter 7

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Tiffany's POV

"Mummy wake up" said my daughter as soon as I closed my eyes.

"Amber darling can you let mummy sleep just for a little bit

"No mummy I wanna play" she whined

"Amber please I'm very tired let me sleep for a bit" I said softly which made her break out in the classic I'm getting killed wail. Fucking hell Amber.

"Okay let's go to the pool" I said

"Yay we're going to the pool" she said in a sing-song voice

"Honey just a bit more quiter please" I said. I have a massive head-ache and I really don't want to take pain killers. I don't believe in taking pills for every little thing but I think I might just have to if this pain continues.

"Sorry mummy" she muttered

"It's okay baby let's go" I said taking her hand

"Mummy are you mad at me?" she asked innocently looking up at me with big wide eyes

"Who does mummy love in this whole world" I asked her getting down to her level

"Her baby girl" she answered

"Now why would mummy be mad at her baby girl for?" I asked hugging her

"I love you mummy"

"I love you too sweetheart"

We got to the swimming pool it was like an abandoned warehouse so empty, so peaceful I thought as I laid on the lounge chair.

"Amber honey play on the shallow end okay" I said to her

"Okay mummy" she said with her little girl voice. I laid down on the lounge chair relaxing my body a little bit. I so need a nanny right now. After a few minutes I heard the door opening which made me lift my head up from my book. Male voices filled the whole place, I looked in the direction of the sound. It was L with the other guys. I stared at them for 1 more minute then I turned away when Sungjong started pointing at me silently. I jerked my head to the side reaching for my sunglasses.

"Well, well, well if it isn't the ex-girlfriend" said a voice 

"Umm who are you" I said in English looking up then I saw L. Oh shit

"Amber darling are you ready to go?"I asked my daughter ignoring the dick in front of me.

"But mummy we just got here" Amber whinnied

"And now it's time to go" I said as I got up from my seat.

"But mummy I want to stay" she said whining 

"Amber you're making mummy angry right now" I said through my teeth. When I stood up I found myself back down again. "What the fuck do you think you're playing at?" I asked L/Myungsoo

"We need to talk" he said in a low voice

"We don't need to do anything" I said in an attempt to get up but his hand held me down

"Of course we do" he said lifting me up from my seat and placing me on his lap. "Starting with did you miss me" he whispered in my ear sending shivers down my spine

"Not really" I replied

"Oh really then why are you shivering?" he asked. Fuck trust him to notice that.

"You would if someone whispered into your ear it's a natural body reaction" I said defensively 

"Or maybe you just missed me" he said 

"Don't be full of yourself" I said as I tried to get out of his hold but it was, sadly, no use his grip on me tightened even more. I waited for his comeback but his lips suddenly got too busy, on my neck. His soft lips sent shivers down my spine. "Umm what are you doing? There are people watching" I said whispering as I glance over his members who had gotten themselves in water and were playing like little kid among them was my kid smiling at them.

"They don't care they've seen me much worse" he muttered

"Naked and on top of a girl? 'Cause that was the worst I ever saw you" I said coldly

"Let it go already will you?" he said biting my shoulder and sucking on it

"No, now get the fuck off me" I said finally managing to get out of his gasp. "Amber let's okay" I shouted

"Okay mummy" she said getting out of the water. I was glad she didn't protest much this time cause I already felt bad about dragging her to a country where she can have no one to play with or anyone who understands her but me.

"Guys let's go" I heard L say as I wrapped Amber in a towel. I didn't look their way as they made their way out I just heard the door slamming shut. I took the opportunity and ran out of the room from the other door. In the midst of my fast paced lady like walk I bumped into what felt like a hard wall but as I touched, inappropriately, at the wall I bumped into I felt skin, wonderful soft skin and hard abs.

"I'm so sorry" I mumbled in English without looking

"Yes it doesn't help that you were also feeling me up" said the man in English making me look up as i recognised the voice.

"Oh it's you" I said when I saw the smiling angel

"I don't believe that's the proper etiquette for greeting someone" he said

"I apologise kind sir but I am not in the best of moods" I said in a lady like voice jokingly

"All is forgiven madam if you do me the pleasure of joining me for ice cream" he said

"Really ice cream?" I asked giving mhim the side eye

"I think Princess wants some ice cream, don't you Princess?" he asked Amber lifting her up

"Let's walk that way then" I said putting my hand on his shoulder and continuing walking 


(Leaving the swimming pool)

The other guys were gushing over how cute the child in the pool was while Sunggyu hyung and I walked in front of them quitely 

"Yah Myungsoo-ah did you notice something?" he asked quielty

"Notice what?" I asked

"Tiffany's child" he said even more vague

"What about Tiffany's child?" I asked

"Anyiya" he said then walked away leaving me wondering what the hell that was about.

"Myungsoo how come you never told me you had a child?" asked Dongwoo as he slapped my shoulder.

"Bwo?" I asked "Mwurago? What child? I don;t have a child" I said 

"That child looks an awful lot like you and with the age it might just be yours" he said 

"Don't fuck with me" I said in a low threating voice

"What? I'm just telling the truth"

"OH MY GOD!!!!" I screamed then took of in a run. I ran throught the swimming people but didn't see them and I took off through the other only to stop in my tracks as I watched Tiffany smile at a man looking at him with loving eyes.

"Tiffany Kang" I yelled

Author's note

Merry Christmas people I must say it's been to long since I uploaded but I finally got it together and put this chapter together and I loved it.

I was smiling all the way through writing this cause I was just writing it now I will upload the chapters for my other books too don't worry and read them all

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