Chapter 1

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Lina Summers was sitting in a small coffee house, sipping on a cappuccino with her crazy, bitchy best friend Tori that evening. She glanced out the window, watching the people walk by hurriedly and cars zoom by as it rained. Ugh,she thought annoyed. She was sick and tired of it raining so often in New York. She would be moving to L.A. on Saturday morning, a day from then. Lina was excited to go and explore what she thought of as her new playground. Looking back to her best friend she realized she had been speaking.

" on Rodeo drive, go to the clubs and dance.Oh, and go barhopping! Lina are you even listening to me?!" Tori all but said dramatically as her eyes narrowed and she folded her arms across her chest. Lina bit her lip to hold back her laughter.

"Yes I'm listening you dork. Your mouth is unmutable! You really don't have to lecture me. You know me! The guys will be all over me and the girls will envy me. I'll shop and I'll go to the beach and I'll party. You have to come visit me sometimes though Tori! I really don't know what I'll do there without my crazy beach bitch."

"Yeah yeah, suck up. I may visit you next month. You know my dad has business there. I'll just puppy eye my way over there." Tori said flipping her hair down her back before arranging the snapback on her head. Lina currently lived with her aunt Madison, or Mads as she called her and occasionally Tori when she felt like staying over. Which was every week. After her parents Maria and Cole Summers died in a car crash 3 years earlier, her aunt became her legal guardian. It's not like she didn't love Mads, she did. But living in the grand penthouse on the Upper East Side with her aunt that she had lived in with her parents, made her depressed. She had too many memories there, good and bad. She shook her head and sighed. Don't go there Lina.

She felt her iPhone vibrate in the pocket of her leather jacket indicating a txt message, and took it out. Jared had txted her...again. Lina snorted and rolled her eyes annoyed and deleted it immediately before putting her phone in her jackets pocket again. The boy just didn't understand the words "we're over" did he?! They had gone out a few times and it was fun but she didn't like him that much.

"Was that Jared again?" Tori asked with a smirk on her face. Lina rolled her eyes and nodded. "Unfortunately. Seriously I'm sick of it Tori. What's not to fucking get when someone tells you the words 'We're through I don't want you'?" Lina sighed. Tori chuckled and shook her head.

"Maybe all the blood that went from his head to his other head cause of the amount of times you got him riled up with your taunting, his brain is permanently damaged." Lina almost choked on her cappuccino as she laughed. She pointed her finger at Tori.

"True. But the way he always clung to me and kissed me like a boy as if he was afraid I would break was just ugh. Why can't I find a guy like me? Is that so hard?" He was a good guy. The kind most girls wished they'd had because he always did everything the right way. But Lina didn't like clingy guys, she didn't like having to pick up every time they called, or to be where they asked her to be. She was stubborn. She was simple in what she was like: My way, or no way.

As she finished the last of cappuccino, she adjusted her midle-long brunette hair under the cookiemonster blue beanie she wore and stood up. Her daily outfits mainly consisted of a beanie, a top or t-shirt to match that beanie (as she had beanies and tops in every color of the rainbow, it wasn't hard to find something to match.) and leggings and/ or cute mini skirts that never made her look slutty. Tori was practically the same only she wore snapbacks instead of beanies.

You would also never see Lina anywhere without the charm bracelet and small silver bracelets with a countries specific sign or charm , indicating all the places she had been to with her parents. It had been a ritual to get one after each visit to a new place. And of course, her combat boots made of latex. She wore them nearly all the time. Well the boots, or her Converse. She liked high heels too, but for daily wear she preferred her flat shoes that were easy on the feet. Lina pulled Tori to her feet and hugged her tight, blinking back tears. Saying goodbye sucked.

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