9. Elena

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Two days after Josh's dramatic visit to see Elena and Aria:

For the past two days, I have been trying to contact Aria to apologize for my friend's antics. I had never spoken with her before, and this situation is distressing.

Even now, I'm sitting in Aria's resting lounge alongside one of her colleagues, under the pretense of a casual visit. I can see the irritation on Aria's face.

Two days ago, Josh proclaimed he had met his soulmate, Aria, and approached her dramatically, giving her a mini heart attack.

With a shameless smile, he asked, "Hey Miss, are you married?"

Initially, she was terrified, but his question left her confused. When Josh continued speaking, her expression turned to one of extreme irritation. Her facial expressions change faster than a chameleon changing its colors—a compliment, believe it or not.

Josh then said, "If you're not married yet, I would like to submit my resume to work as your husband for the rest of my life."

With a deep sigh, she composed herself, maintained a straight face, and replied, "Mr. Whatever, this is indeed the psychology department. But I'm not equipped to give you the treatment you need. Kindly admit yourself to a mental asylum where they specialize in treating your condition."

I whispered to myself, "Wow! That was a clear roast. I've never seen a girl respond to Josh's flirting like that. Some blush, others outright ignore him."

I thought Josh would be embarrassed and leave, but he seemed more shameless than I ever imagined: "Whooo... But I'm sure only you can treat me. I've been roaming around the world with my mental illness, never thinking to consult a doctor. But the moment I saw you, I was drawn to you, and coincidentally, you're a psychologist. I think both my heart and mind want you as their personal doctor. Please don't neglect such a cute and handsome patient. What if my condition worsens?"

Aria was frozen for a minute, probably unprepared for his comeback.

"You are CRAZY!" she responded with a shocked expression.

"You already declared that, Doctor. Since you've diagnosed my issue, you need to take responsibility for treating it. Please..."

His voice sounded cringe-worthy to me. How did I not notice this before? Everyone at our school and his college, even April, are under the delusion that he is cool and handsome. But this side of him could indeed cause heart attacks, especially for April.

That son of a ....! Shhh... Don't blame his parents for his behavior, Elena. fossil ape continued, "Don't worry, I know you might need some time to create an action plan before you start my treatment." Then he looked at me and said, "There's Elena, a gynecologist working here. You can meet and discuss with her if you miss me or want to know about my history!"

When Aria looked at him with dagger eyes, he took a step back with no remorse and playfully said, "I'm talking about my medical history, Doctor."

Aria clenched her fists tightly. Judging by her expression, I was sure she would have given him at least two strong punches and sent him to the orthopedic department.

Seeing this, Josh just smiled and asked, "By the way, may I know the name of my doctor who will treat me from now on?"

She slowly grabbed the operation scissors near her on the stretcher. Seeing that, Josh jumped back, "Cool, Doctor. I'll get your name later." After saying that, he looked at me and yelled, 

"Elena, be sure to tell me all the details about my personal doctor!" and then ran off.

This idiot... Everyone, including all the patients, nurses, and staff, looked at me once he yelled my name, and Aria looked at me as if she would kill me the moment she got a hold of me.

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