A hundred whispers of love

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This chapter was a collaboration with my friend, @LoveAlchemist04 Thank for your help.

A pale Wednesday dawn seeped into Manik's room, rousing him from a restless sleep. The usual pre-dawn energy that propelled him towards his workout routine was absent, replaced by a leaden weight in his chest. He forced himself through the motions, the aches and strains a dull echo of the hollowness within.

Reaching Myeesha's room, a familiar lightness in his step faltered. The door creaked open, revealing an emptiness that mirrored the gaping hole in his heart. Prena's absence was a cold, sharp absence, but it was the vacant space where his daughter's toys used to reside that stole his breath.

He stumbled to the bed, the sheets cool and devoid of the imprint of her tiny form. Memories assaulted him, vivid and agonizing. The soft touch of her hair, the warmth of her sleepy smile as he kissed her forehead each morning, the symphony of giggles that filled the breakfast table – all of it a cruel reminder of what was no longer his.

Last week's trip to the planetarium played on repeat in his mind. Her infectious laughter, the sparkle in her eyes as she pointed at the constellations, her tiny hand slipping into his – a kaleidoscope of joy that now felt like a cruel mirage.

A single tear escaped, tracing a glistening path down his cheek. It was a tear born of a thousand conflicting emotions – a heart fractured by her absence, yet strangely soothed by the knowledge that he could still see her. The room, devoid of her physical presence, was still vibrant with the echoes of her laughter, a testament to a love that transcended distance.

A bittersweet ache settled in his gut. Myeesha might be miles away, but the invisible thread that bound them remained, a lifeline woven from shared memories and a love that burned undimmed. He closed his eyes, picturing her face, her smile, the way her eyes crinkled when she laughed. And in that quiet moment, amidst the echoing silence, he found a strange solace, a fierce determination to hold onto the memories, to cherish the bond that distance could never sever.


It was a Saturday night, and Manik was enjoying a series in his room. With his free time, he decided to binge-watch the show.

An hour into his session, a scene caught his attention: that had ripped the rug out from under my carefully constructed peace. A woman on the screen, her voice trembling, confessed a painful past to her husband. The raw vulnerability of it all hit me like a freight train, exposing the gaping hole in my relationship with Nandini.

My past. It was a tightly locked box I kept buried deep, a secret so heavy it threatened to topple our blossoming love. Every laugh we shared, every stolen kiss, felt tainted by the knowledge that I hadn't truly opened myself up to her. I pictured Nandini's face, her eyes sparkling with trust, a trust I felt increasingly undeserving of. How could I accept such pure love when I hadn't offered her complete honesty?

My hand instinctively reached for my phone, a desperate urge to confess clawing at me. But a glance at the clock stopped me cold. Midnight. Too late to call and unleash this storm on her. "Tomorrow," I muttered to myself, a promise laced with desperation.

Sleep, however, became a distant dream. The silence of the night amplified the thunderous thoughts in my head. Images of a happier past, intertwined with the bitter sting of regret, flickered behind closed lids. Every toss and turn were a futile attempt to silence the relentless worry gnawing at me.

Frustration boiled over. I needed an escape, a way to purge the suffocating anxiety. Throwing on clothes, I practically ran out the door. The cool night air slapped me awake, a welcome contrast to the inferno within. My feet pounded the pavement, each step a desperate echo of the battle raging inside. My muscles screamed in protest, a satisfying counterpoint to the emotional dissonance.

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