The Game Room Incident

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 Evening at Manik's Office

Scene: Manik's office. Manik is packing his stuff, getting ready to go home. It's evening, and the office is quiet. Suddenly, Nandini's secretary rushes in, looking distressed.

Secretary (breathless): Sir, Nandini ma'am is missing!

Manik(panicked): What do you mean, she's missing? Did she say where she was going?

Secretary: No, sir. I had to go out for some work and wasn't here for a while. I came back an hour ago to give her some important documents, but she's gone.

Manik (urgently): Have you tried calling her?

Secretary: Yes, sir, but her mobile is out of reach.

Manik (decisive): Call Raghav and Rishabh immediately. I'll check the CCTV footage.

  Manik rushes to the security room and starts scanning the CCTV footage. After half an hour, he sees Nandini entering the lift and heading towards the old game room.

Manik (to himself): The old game room... Why would she go there?

 Manik hurries to the old game room. He opens the door and finds Nandini unconscious on the floor. He rushes to her side and tries to wake her up, shaking her gently.

Manik: Nandini! Nandini, wake up!

Secretary (arriving behind him): Sir, check her purse!

 Manik frantically searches Nandini's purse and finds some fainting medication. Realizing the urgency, he performs mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. After a few attempts, Nandini begins to stir and wake up.

Nandini (weakly, in a whisper): I love you...

 Manik is shocked, hearing her faint declaration of love. He stares at her, stunned, as she faints again from weakness.

Manik (whispering): Nandini...

 Abhimanyu enters, brought by the secretary who called him after failing to reach Raghav and knowing Rishabh was at a concert with his phone on silent.

Abhimanyu (urgent): Manik, we need to get her to a safe place. Bring her to Cabir's hotel suite. I've contacted Cabir, and he's arranging for a doctor.

Manik (determined): Let's go.

Manik carefully lifts Nandini and they head out to Cabir's hotel suite, with Abhimanyu leading the way.


 Cabir's Hotel Suite, Later that Evening

 They arrive at Cabir's hotel suite. The doctor rushes to check Nandini while Manik paces anxiously. Cabir holds Manik, calming him.

Cabir: Manik, be strong, at least for Nandini.

 Manik takes a deep breath, trying to calm himself. After a few minutes, the doctor comes out.

Doctor: She's okay. Thank God you brought her here in time; otherwise, it could have been serious.

Abhimanyu: What happened to her?

Doctor: She had an allergic reaction and a panic attack. I've given her a sedative to help her relax. She should wake up tomorrow.

 The doctor leaves. Manik, unable to hold back, starts to cry. Cabir approaches him.

Cabir: What's wrong?

Manik: I was so scared of losing her.

 Before Cabir could say more, Manik checks on Nandini, then goes to the hall and calls his security head.

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