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She's my better half and worst


Once upon a time, there lived two twin sisters, both princesses.

One was dear to everyone, the other a harbinger of good luck and fortune.

They were the most loved, cared for, and beautiful-their father's pride and their brother's dearest.

But a time arrived when these girls grew into women, women who fell in love.

With men, one kind, the other a gentleman.

Unfortunately, the stars were never in their favor.

The men were princes from an enemy kingdom, one a crown prince, the other next in line.

It was a sin to even speak to their enemies, but they had already given their hearts.

Their world changed; relationships were tested.

Yet, what withstood the test of time was their love.

The twin sisters and their princes-that was always the story, the beginning of everything.

It was Destiny

But as the world moved, things changed, hearts were broken, and new dangers arose.

It was forbidden, yet they did not listen.

The balance of power was shifted.

A single drop, a solitary ripple, was enough to raise a tide years later.

Seasons changed, years passed.

What was once Destiny soon transformed into a curse-a curse the sisters grew weary of, a curse pulling them apart and putting their loved ones in danger, especially their children.

Their hearts were filled with guilt and regret.

It wasn't just love anymore, for they had entangled everyone and everything into it.

Now, it was just the Echoes of Destiny-a curse for some, a blessing for none.


Mythila's POV

"You promised!" Mira exclaimed, her voice frantic and panicked from the other side of the untraceable phone.

"I never promised, Mira. I said I'd try. But things aren't going as planned. I'll need to take extra measures," Mythila replied, her voice neutral, her face blank, though a storm of thoughts occupied her mind.

She had very little time before someone would come.

"I don't have much time, Mira. So listen to me well, we proceed as we planned and not a single step out of line, or you'll face my wrath," she pressed.

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