chapter twenty-one

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Kathleen and Riff did not talk the entire way back. They walked hand in hand to their house, Riff giving Kathleen concerned looks every now and then, but Kathleen only had the faint ghost of a smile on her face, which made Riff even more concerned.
As the two stepped up the stairs, Kathleen looked even more sickly pale than usual, even with her content face. Riff put his hand on the small of her back and ushered her inside and to the couch.
"You haven't eaten anything all day, you wake up at an ungodly time, and don't eat for hours. You've gotta eat, I'll make you food."
Kathleen nodded along as Riff rambled along about how she needed to eat otherwise she'd get sick or whatnot. She would've argued the same thing to him, but at the same time she knew he was right.
Riff rambled all the way to the kitchen, and Kathleen, unbeknownst to him, followed in his lead. She sat down at a bar stool that was lined up on the kitchen island's counter, making it screech as she pulled it out. Riff flinched and turned around to the high pitched noise.
Riff stared at her with a hint of sarcasm,
"Mhm... What do you wanna eat?"
Kathleen thought for a moment.
Kathleen shrugged.
"Whatever you know how to cook?"
Riff zoned out for a moment.
"... I can make you toast?"
Kathleen laughed,
"Alright then, toast it is."
Riff smiled, victorious once again, and found an apron that was hanging on the wall. The apron was lined with pink and had white frills along the edges. There was dark writing on it, front and center.
Kiss the cook.
Riff's back was turned as he tied it behind him, but as soon as he was done he turned and smiled at Kathleen, feeling accomplished with his task.
Kathleen stifled a laugh.
Riff's smile fell.
"What, you don't like it?"
"No I love it, it's great." Kathleen grimaced.
Riff turned steadily and pulled out a saucepan, placing it on the stove and turning the fire right on. He grabbed the butter that was sitting in the fridge and spooned some of it into the pan to let it melt. The bread was a few days old, not that anyone minded. Riff placed the bread onto the now melted butter and let it cook.
"How many slices you want?"
"Mm... 2?"
"That's it?"
Kathleen crossed her eyebrows and nodded.
"I'm not the biggest breakfast person."
"Uhh," Riff looked around Kathleen's kitchen, his eyes landing on a basket of fruit. "You's is gonna eat a bit of fruit then. And I don't wanna hear any excuses."
Kathleen sighed sarcastically. "If you say so."
The toast Riff made was alright, it was slightly burnt, but with jam it tasted just fine. As Kathleen said, she ate an apple, which Riff insisted on cutting for her.
It was an ungodly sight of apple bits, and different shapes and sizes.
But it was the thought that counted.
Riff still hadn't taken the stupid apron off, so Kathleen kissed him after helping with dishes, which again Riff persisted on doing. It left Kathleen flushed, and Riff flirtatious.


hello, yes it's has been a while, but it's summer now so i am off school, and writers block is a bitch but i have ideas now so stay tuned. although i will say please don't believe that this will be updated regular! love you always, take care.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12 ⏰

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