day with braiden

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Braiden quickly forgave me for everything, well he is my older brother I have him wrapped around my little finger. He didn’t have to go to an band rehearsals so he asked if we could hang out. I had nothing to do so I agreed. I went upstairs to get changed, I put on my new MTV belly top and light blue ¾ jeans, I put a bit of makeup on, I didn’t want too much on. Then I headed downstairs. Braiden was sat in the front room waiting. 

“Come on then!” I shouted scaring braiden half to death. He jumped up and headed out of the door, I was left to lock the house and stuff, as braiden walked down the drive. I caught him up and began skipping next to him. “Chloe what are you doing? Your embarrassing me!” he whispered so no one could hear him, “what does it look like? I’m skipping!!” I said shouting so people could hear it. Braiden playfully pushed me over a small wall so I ended up sat in a random persons garden. I laughed and got up dusting my trousers.

We ended up going to a small café and had a milkshake, I got a coconut one it was amazing and I cant remember what type braiden got. After that we went on a walk, we ended up somewhere I had never been, I was getting really scared now. I held on to braiden’s arm and didn’t let go. He started laughing and ruffled my hair. There was an old woman sat on a bench, she looked at me and braiden and signalled us over. We headed over, me now terrified and shaking, the woman looked at us and opened her mouth. “what a sweet couple you two are” she said looking at us in awe, I began laughing and braiden looked disgusted, “sorry we aren’t a couple, she’s my baby sister.” braiden said while hitting me to make me stop laughing. The woman looked at us with an “o” shaped mouth, stood up and walked away.

Me and braiden were laughing about it all the way home, as we were nearly home braiden’s phone went off, I looked at him as he answered it. “hey Riley, yeah im alright mate, you?… yeah im not busy….. Yeah I will come round…” I looked at braiden and lightly tapped him, he looked at me and mouthed sorry then he carried on talking. He had really annoyed me now, oh well I will invite Toby round, that will wind him up.

Braiden took me home and left almost straight away so I rang Toby. “heyy Toby you coming round, yeah thought so be at mine in 20 love ya bye!” I didn’t give him any time to protest, I knew he wouldn’t be doing anything. While I waited I got my guitar out, Braiden had taught me how to play guitar then i just carried on learning my favourite songs, I began to play ed sheeran, A team, I wasn’t a good singer so no one had ever heard me sing, I sang along to the song, then I got really into it and decided to sing lego house. I didn’t even notice Toby had walked in. OH NO! Toby heard me singing. He was stood my bedroom door clapping with a smile across his face.


the story will get better soon, please comment and vote pretty please

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