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Benito's best friends and brother had finally realized that Benito had been gone. They needed to talk and see him. So they decided to travel to Arkansas as soon as they could. Luckily Madison was working so Benito could figure this all out and what they needed to tell him.

He was currently at the airport waiting for their arrival it was four of them. As soon as they came to view Benito smiled. Damn , he missed his boys.

" Cabrón, en serio ?! Arkansas?!" His brother Bernie exclaimed.

" te cojiste la letra en serio." Jan added.

" You guys will see." Benito said

" No ahora el cabrón es un gringo." Jomar said as they all laughed.

" tenemos que ir a comprar air mattress, porque lo que tengo es un apartamento." Benito said as they all nodded.

The smile would not leave Benito's face , he missed them. 


After their adventure of getting some air mattresses they arrived at Benito's apartment. They were impressed. For the night they would be ordering food because there was a lot going on. As they ate they began to talk. 

" Benito tienes que ir a trabajar , tienes que llegar a LA." Jan said

" y ir para un estudio." Jomar added.

" si y lo ensayaos para Coachella." Bysael added.

Benito sighed he didn't want to leave Arkansas. He did not want to go back to the spotlight. But, at the same time he missed it.  It was a mixture of feelings. This vacation was good while it lasted.

" Ok , when are we leaving?" He asked

" early next week maybe." Jan said as they all nodded.

After eating they sat in the living room , still talking about work. That was until Bernie found Madison's pink cropped hoodie.

" y de quién es este hoodie , huele rico. Huele a mujer." Bernie said

Benito snatched it out of his hands " es de Madison."

" Madison ?!" They all exclaimed and teased.

" quien es Madison ?" Bernie asked

" una amiga." Benito said

" uh huh , una amiga que te gusta verdad ?" Bysael asked

" somos amigos." He answered once more

" Cabrón no mientas." Jan said

" en verdad no se." Benito huffed. " Arkansas y ella me hacen sentir normal. Y no se ella también me ve como amigo."

" Does she know who you are ?" Jomar asked

" Not a clue , no one here does." The singer answered.

Benito knew that would lead to a problem in the future or hopefully she would never find out. The thought of leaving did make Benito feel some type of way. He wouldn't be seeing Madison in who knows how long. Even though he knew he would keep in touch and call her whenever he could.


Madison could not stop thinking about the kiss she almost shared with Benito. What did that mean ? Does he like me? Were all thoughts running through her head. She's been so busy as the hospital but , she's of course texted him every now and then. But the strangest thing of all was he wasn't answering.

That made Madison's sick to her stomach. She began to panic and wonder if she did something wrong. Even though he was the one behind her and the one who began to lean in. She desperately wanted to know what was he thinking. She didn't want to ruin their friendship. She did not want to loose Benito at all.

" girl you need to relax, everything will be fine. He's going to answer soon watch." Celine assured her best friend. 

But , a text never came , not even a single sight of him throughout the next three days.

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