Threading The Needle

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That afternoon, the two sisters decided to have some much deserved girl time. Clover was a little bit behind on how to be a girl, and so Kelsey decided to begin teaching her everything. Clover loved every second of the lessons, treasuring her sister's acceptance above everything else she knew.

As Kelsey began painting Clover's nails, she suddenly started talking, her voice gentle yet still serious.

"So, sis," she began, "I know that it's a little early for this question, probably, but what about our friends? Do you want to share this just yet, or do you want to keep quiet for now to figure out a safe plan?"

Clover looked up from the pretty purple that Kelsey had coated her fingernails with, surprised.

"Oh, right," she said, "I do need to tell them about this. Harry especially, since he's been so kind to me while I was still struggling with my identity."

For a moment, Clover paused, basking in how wonderful it felt to put that phrase, 'struggling with my identity', into the past tense. She knew who she was, and who she wanted to be, now; Clover. She wasn't scared of never knowing her real self anymore, and her sister was being so loving towards her as they were navigating what Clover's decision meant for their dynamic as siblings. She quickly regained her focus, however, and continued her reply.

"And Jason," Clover said softly, "he's always been with me, second only to you Kels, in constancy. Remember that time he stayed up all night with me because I'd lost my school project, or when he came over with all that ice cream after I'd had my tonsils removed?"

"Yeah," Kelsey responded, "Jason is a good friend, Drew... Clover. He's going to be behind you no matter what, I'm sure."

"Yeah, I think so too," Clover told her sister, "it's Chloe I'm scared of, to be honest."

"It's the crush, isn't it," Kelsey whispered, "you really want a chance with her, don't you?"

Clover nodded, "I know she's your best friend, Kels, but... I do really like her. But now I'm a girl, too, so does that mean I don't have a chance anymore?"

Kelsey shook her head, "you know, Clover, lesbians and bisexuals are real people. While I can't speak for certain for Chloe, I really don't think she'd have a problem with being in a relationship with you."

"You really think so?" Clover asked quietly, "I still have a chance?"

"Of course you do," Kelsey replied, "Chloe's not one to dismiss you just because of your gender. Actually," Kelsey added quickly, "I think that now that you're a girl, she'll be more attracted to you, because you're finally smiling like you love your life. That girl looks so much deeper than the surface level things most of us are worried about. It's her most fantastic trait, and you know that, Clover."

Clover wiped a tear from her eye, "Okay," she said, "how do you think I should tell them about this?"

Kelsey smiled, "let's just invite them over for a game of smash or something," she suggested, "but we can leave the planning for tomorrow, right? I've still got an adorable little sister to teach the ropes of girlhood to."

Clover blushed at the compliment, nothing had really changed about her body, so she still looked like a teenage boy, but she really did appreciate it that Kelsey wanted to support her that much. She liked the idea of inviting everyone over for something simple, too. The idea of catching them after school individually and telling them was daunting, so bringing them all to the house, where Clover felt the most safe being herself was perfect.

"Let's do it, Kels," she told her sister, "I guess we'll have to track them down during school tomorrow though, unless we want to wait until the weekend for this?"

"It only matters that you're comfortable with it, Clover," Kelsey said, "but this Friday, Mom and Dad will be back from their business trip, so that is something I'd caution against, if you want to handle our parents separately from our friends."

'Right,' Clover thought, 'Mom and Dad are coming back soon. I really don't want to deal with them too close to coming out to Harry, Jason, and Chloe...' 

"Let's tell Mom and Dad this weekend, but try and tell the others tomorrow." She decided.

"Okay, good," Kelsey told her, "now that that plan's out of the way, what are your thoughts about trying on a dress?"

Something within Clover rose at the suggestion to continue their girl's day, and the thought of finally wearing a dress was lucrative as well. A smile crept onto Clover's face, and Kelsey mirrored the expression on her own. Clover was so happy she could be a girl now.

"Bring it on," she said, ready to spend the day acting as girly as possible.

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