we finished our check-in and settled our requirements. Now, we're waiting for the departure
Lun: good thing, Emman didn't follow us
Muffin: he try and he'll face death *cracks her knuckles*
Pearl: I remember that before... Parfait once said that to Rion...
Parfait: the exact word was, "try to follow us and you will not go back to Sephora alive"
That's what happened to Rion, he followed us and he was killed due to poisoning. Ugh! I don't want to hear death
Ding, Ding, Ding
The airplane lands on the runway and we rush towards the door because we can't wait to go inside the airplane. It's an airplane that has kawaii designs inside and outside the plane———————————————————————————
Inside the airplane
we rush towards our seats and--
Lun: I want to be at the window!! Aiyaa~
Pearl: But Muffin is assigned there, go to the isle because that's your assigned seat
darn this assigned seats, Lun said. Good thing I'm in the window, then Pearl, Lun and Parfait (isle). Good thing the seat is by fours :D
Parfait: I love isle! Muffin, go to your seat, you will enjoy the sky view
Parfait is very kind despite that I yelled at her last night ... but thanks to her, I did a very surprising revenge!
The plane takes-off. *sigh Goodbye Victoria, my dear place
While in the sky
Muffin: I want to touch the clouds
Lun: don't open the window
Muffin: I will not open the window Lun
Pearl: Tokyo is 4 hours, this is a very long flight
Parfait: is that so.on!?
Lun: I can't read No Escape unless I finished this
Parfait: where you at?
they look at the page... it says "Sei: fufufufu you warned me from Sei, but actually I'm HIM"
Parfait,Lun: HAN RUI IS SEI!!!!
the other passengers look at us, some of them glare at them. What's more interesting is... Jian Bing, a very handsome and very popular actor, goes near to us. He's the actor/idol/singer that is loved by many girls. Going back to the story, he's glaring at us--
Parfait: Jian Bing //kyaaa!!//
Parfait starts blushing, it's her idol. She's controlling herself not to release the feels...
Jian: so what I'm Sei, wanna die Chelun?
he knows her!?
Lun: Stop joking! You're not SEI, you're a baby! And you don't know me well, I'm married to a baby-faced assassin called Dan Bing
and he looks at the 4 us, then Lun whispers at us
Lun: he's my cousin. He's father is my uncle
Lun's well, right? she can't be sick! cousins, for real!?
Jian: my father is uncle Taiyang's brother ... and you girls are going to Seraphine, for what?
Lun: vacation *winks*
Lun winks at him!? Dang it, you have Dan, you know~
Lun: go back to your seat Jian, they might make a news of us, Father will get mad at you
wow Lun -_-
Jian: anyways, how's Dan?
Lun: he's in the hospital
Jian: you just left him for this--
Lun grabs Jian's collar and she whispers at his ear
Lun: Tokyo is our next princess-maid assignment, Dan is under the care of Princess-maid nurses. If you're curious of what is princess-maid, you better--
Jian: I know that secret agency and good to know... well, Jiayou!!
Jiayou means fighting. In fairness, he's really cute. What's with Lun's family? they are all good looking. From Yue, Taiyang, Lun, Shuijing and Jian. Their genes, I'm jealous...
Jian goes back to his seat, in the business class area. Lucky him. Then Par and Lun starts reading their book while Me and Pearl start reading the travel magazine in front of us.
One hour later, Par start to eat Octopus chips that she bought in Victoria
Lun: Par, what are you eating?
Parfait: Octopus Chips, it's delicious
Lun: let me taste (gets a chip and eats) ... it's indeed delicious
Parfait gives the extra bag of Octopus chips to Lun. I start to glare at Pearl when she gets her box of chocolate beads that she stole from the agency. Why I'm saying 'stolen'? because choco beads are available only in the agency and Pearl loves eating them, one time, she's craving for it and got one from the stock room without permission
Pearl: Muff, Sir Basil gave this to me, I didn't steal it ... you want?
Muffin: No thanks. I'll just eat when we arrive in Tokyo
Pearl: okay suit yourself
I don't want to eat the food that I bought from Victoria. I want to eat the food when I start feeling homesick...besides I'm excited for the Seraphine food
Parfait: I'm excited for Seraphine, my dream will come true!!!
Pearl: Yah!! I can finally see the place in-person

Maid Returns
Randomthe sequel of Princess-maid more adventures, new mission, new princesses, prince charmings and more fun