10:00 p.m., Pri-mai Dorm
David brings Vanilla home. She enters the house and doesn't know that Muffin is around Jangmi city with Emmanuel, Parfait and Hero are still in Galette Building, and Lun with Dan looking for a restaurant to date...
It seems the others are not here yet, she decided to text them through Berry Talk, an SNS app of Nari
vanillarose joins the conversation
vanillarose invites jumboparfait in the conversation
vanillarose: Par, I'm home
jumboparfait: I'm still in Galette building, waiting for the info about the Princess Ball
jumboparfait: wait a sec, you change your username!? you used to be @vanillaextractvanillarose: Yes!! David and I are ON!!!
jumboparfait: YAY!!! :sticker:jumboparfait invited @champagnemuffin in the conversation
jumboparfait: Muff, Vanilla and David are in relationship
champagnemuffin: Grr!!! Vanilla, you're dead!!
vanillarose: Muff, I love your cousin and he loves me too
champagnemuffin: don't take my words seriously, I cannot kill you girl. Congratulations by the way
vanillarose: thank you guys, love loves!champagnemuffin invites danlunbing in the conversation
champagnemuffin: Lun, David and Vanilla are ON
danlunbing: Congrats Vanilla!!! Muff, how about you and Emman?
champagnemuffin: don't ask about it, Emman's with me!
jumboparfait: hope Emman will ask your hand
jumboparfait: and
jumboparfait: take your hand away from you
champagnemuffin: you're evil as usual Par! Grr!!
jumboparfait: to be serious, hope Emman and you will be in good terms again
vanillarose: she's right
danlunbing: you guys are only singles left
champagnemuffin: how about Pearl? she's married but not happy
danlunbing: speaking of her... Par, how's--jumboparfait: Princess Ball, Prime Minister's Hall, mm/dd/yy
vanillarose: TWO DAYS FROM NOW!?
danlunbing: no yelling please ... PAR, WHY ALL THE SUDDEN!?champagnemuffin: you even yelled
jumboparfait: right! I'll text the other agents and rookies to prepare, we have to do this, this is our only chance!
vanillarose: Yeah! I can't wait to kick Xeo's butt
champagnemuffin: me too, me too!!
danlunbing: we want Pearl badly...
jumboparfait: I'll call the othersjumboparfait left the conversation
vanillarose: aish~ Par, why you left!?
danlunbing: she will call the other agents. I have to leave, Dan's with me, we haven't ate dinner yet, *gruntsdanlunbing left the conversation
champagnemuffin: me too, Emman might get lost kekekeke
champagnemuffin left the convrsation
Vanilla: *sigh I'll just fix my things...
Meanwhile. Jangmi
Lun and Dan are still looking for a good restaurant for them to have a dinner...
Lun: we should have a date in the dorm
Dan: I'm sorry Lun, I- I
Lun: it's okaythen Lun and Dan stare at each other. Suddenly, Lun sees two familiar faces 50 meters from them
Lun: Dan!
Dan (looks at his back): I know these two...It's a blond lady wearing a black dress and a hazel-colored hair man wearing a black suit, these couples are entering the restaurant.
Lun and Dan are amazed for they Pearl and Xeo in-person again. Lun is about to call her, but Dan covers her mouth.
Dan: not now, we have to surprise him
Lun: *sighLun recieves a message from Parfait. It's about their assignments...
Vanilla,Emmanuel are in-charge of signals,
Dan, Parfait,Muffin and Lun are in-charge of fighting and rescuing Pearl.

Maid Returns
Sonstigesthe sequel of Princess-maid more adventures, new mission, new princesses, prince charmings and more fun