The first days are not easy. Helene is really a brat and always put them in trouble. They want to quit but Sir Brown might scold them. The maids don't go around except when they go out to the market and buy food. Muffin is teaching Seraphine language to the three and it give them headaches.
Sometimes, Helene and maids jog around the subdivision, sometimes they go around the park to exercise. Pearl throws away the unhealthy foods and slimming juices that Helene owns, they even fight because of that; Par and Muffin are cooking a healthy dish; and Lun sees to it that the Princess takes a bath very well and practices good hygiene.
Good thing, days later, Helene is helping herself to lose weight. The results are very good especially when she changes her attitude...
One evening
Helene goes inside of their room and she sees Lun sewing.
Helene: can we talk about something? and where are the others?
Lun: Par is ironing while Muff and Pearl are folding
it seems she's holding a notebook, no! it's an slambook ... what for? - Lun
what is that white book with four heart symbols? it looks cute! I asked them what's that, but they don't tell me anything. Can I find it out secretly??.. - Helene
Lun: it's an autograph, you want to know about us?
Helene: Yah ... you're my friends so I want you to answer every questions here
Lun opens the notebook and it seems no one answered anything yet...
Lun: it has no writings or whatever .... this must be new or you still don't trust us?
Helene: e!? but there is no questions such as "what crime have you made?" or "do you take vices?" in that notebook, I just want to know more about you
then Helene secretly gets the white book without Lun knowing. And she goes out from the room bringing it, while Lun starts flipping the pages. Minutes later, Parfait,Pearl and Muffin go inside the room
Parfait: oh it's an autograph, I want to answer!
Muffin: that's so elementary days, like why Princess wants us to answer this!?
Pearl: why not? I think she wants to know more about us
Parfait grabs the notebook
Lun: Par, let me write first!
Parfait: don't worry, I write very fast
then Parfait starts to answer the questions in the autograph, next is Lun, then Pearl, and lastly, Muffin. After answering the questions, they give the notebook to Helene...
Muffin: Princess, here's our--
the four maids eyes widen when they see Princess Helene holding a princess-maid manual book.
Check multimedia to take a lookHelene: tell me, who really are you?
we're dead - Parfait
dang it, someone forgot to hide the manual? - Pearl
oh no... - Lun
there are no secrets that will be kept forever - Muffin
Helene: the four of you are princess-maids ?

Maid Returns
Randomthe sequel of Princess-maid more adventures, new mission, new princesses, prince charmings and more fun