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Namji lay peacefully in his large, Cozy bed, the early morning light filtering softly through the sheer curtains. The room was vast, with high ceilings and walls adorned with tasteful art pieces. A soft breeze drifted in through the open window, carrying the fresh scent of blooming flowers from the garden below.

Suddenly, the tranquility was shattered by the piercing sound of his alarm clock. Namji groaned, rolling over to slap the snooze button, but then, as if remembering something important, a wide smile spread across his face. Today was his 18th birthday.

He sat up, stretching and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. The spacious bedroom, furnished with elegant wooden furniture and plush rugs, felt particularly inviting this morning. He glanced out the window at the sprawling estate beyond.

The mansion stood grand and imposing. Surrounding the mansion was an expanse of manicured lawns and vibrant gardens, teeming with a riot of colors from meticulously arranged flowers. Majestic trees stood guard at the edges of the property, their leaves rustling gently in the breeze .A cobblestone path wound its way through the greenery, leading to a sparkling fountain at the center of a circular drive.

Namji took a deep breath, savoring the tranquility and the scent of nature. The world outside seemed to be celebrating with him, offering a perfect start to his milestone day. He swung his legs over the side of the bed, ready to embrace whatever the day had in store.

Namji dressed quickly, choosing his favorite outfit for the special day. As he descended the grand staircase, the house began to buzz with excitement. The bannister gleamed under the light of the ornate chandelier that hung from the ceiling. Each step echoed through the vast foyer, filled with the warm aroma of breakfast being prepared in the kitchen.

As he reached the bottom of the stairs, his family greeted him with wide smiles and open arms. His appa (The one who raised him- Yoongi), siblings, and extended family members gathered around, presenting him with a pile of brightly wrapped gifts. He accepted each one with genuine gratitude, his heart swelling with appreciation despite the gnawing absence of his father, who had chosen a business trip over celebrating his son's milestone birthday.

Namji's smile wavered for a moment, but he quickly pushed the thought aside. He was determined not to let his father's absence ruin his day. He thanked everyone warmly, hugging Yoongi tightly as he handed him his gift. The joy in the room was palpable, and the air was filled with laughter and affectionate teasing.

But there was one gift he awaited with a mix of longing and resentment. As the morning festivities continued, the doorbell rang, pulling him from his thoughts. His heart quickened, and he dashed to the door, opening it to reveal the familiar face of his uncle Jungkook, who every year delivered gifts on behalf of Namji's biological mother. The man held a bouquet of orchids and white lilies, just like every year. He didn't know his uncle that well, only that he was from his mother's side and that tension grew in the family with his mere presence, especially for Yoongi. Fortunately, Jungkook never crossed the threshold to enter the house.

Namji's heart sank as he took the flowers. He knew they were from his Appa, the person who had given him life but never stayed to be part of it. Each year, he sent these flowers with a simple "Happy Birthday" note, but he never showed up himself. He loathed the flowers for the reminder of his absence, yet they were his only tangible connection to him. At Least he remembered his existence.

He clutched the bouquet, feeling a swirl of emotions. He wanted to see him, to confront him, to ask why he had abandoned him. But instead, he was left with flowers and a note. He forced a smile as he thanked Jungkook who smiled and ruffled his hairs lovingly before leaving, then closed the door quietly.

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