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The next morning, the house was eerily silent. Jihan, still fuming from the previous night’s events, decided to spend the night with her friends to cool down and control her anger. Meanwhile, Namji remained on the floor where he had fallen asleep. He had woken up, but his body felt heavy, almost as if it refused to obey his commands. He lay there, staring blankly into the abyss, lost in a daze.

When Hoseok finished helping prepare breakfast, he made his way to Namji’s room to call him. But Yoongi , insisted on doing it himself. He walked to Namji’s door and knocked gently.

"Bub, Namie, wake up, baby, and come for breakfast," Yoongi called softly. When he didn’t hear a response, he knocked again. "Bub, are you sleeping?"

From inside, Namji struggled to gather enough strength to respond. "I’m up, Appa. I’ll be there soon," he finally managed to say, his voice barely above a whisper and strained with difficulty. After hearing the reply, Yoongi left the door, giving Namji some space.

Namji slowly dragged his body to the bathroom, but not before carefully hiding his appa's diary. He stood in front of the mirror and winced at his reflection. His eyes were swollen and red, evidence of the tears he had shed the previous night. The mark of the slap was gone, but his cheek was still swollen, and dried blood clung to the corner of his lip. He gingerly touched his lip and hissed as pain shot through him.

After a moment, Namji forced himself through his morning routine. When he emerged from the bathroom, he looked a little more presentable, though still far from his usual self. He packed his college bag, arranging his books according to his schedule, and made his way downstairs.

At the breakfast table, everyone was present, but an uncomfortable silence hung in the air. No one had started eating, each waiting for Namji to join them. When Namji finally appeared, Seokjin was the first to notice him. He gasped, his hand flying to his mouth as he took in Namji’s condition.

"Oh my god, Namie..." Seokjin began, but the words caught in his throat, unable to express the shock and concern he felt.

Yoongi, noticing Seokjin’s reaction, quickly stood up from his seat. "Bub, your face!" he exclaimed, hurrying over to Namji. He reached out to touch Namji’s cheek, but Namji instinctively backed away. Yoongi froze, his hand suspended mid-air, a pang of hurt flashing across his eyes.

"I’m getting late for college. I’ll eat at the cafeteria," Namji said, his voice flat and emotionless.

"Bub, but you’re attending college like this? I mean, your face—" Yoongi started, but before he could finish, Namji pulled out a black mask and slipped it on. He also put on his spectacles, and though he tried to smile, it was hidden beneath the mask.

"See, problem solved," Namji said, his voice muffled by the mask. Without waiting for a response, he hurriedly left the room, escaping before anyone could stop him.

Yoongi watched him go, a mixture of anger and helplessness brewing inside him. He turned to Jimin, his eyes burning with anger. "You must be feeling happy right now?" he spat, his words dripping with bitterness.

Jimin stayed still at the accusation, his face crumbling with guilt. "I-I am not hungry. Please continue without me," he mumbled, rising from his seat and retreating to his room. As he walked away, a lone tear slipped down his cheek, which he quickly wiped away before anyone could notice, his back turned to the rest of the family.

"Please eat," Hoseok urged softly, trying to keep the peace. "We all need energy to deal with the situation." His voice was calm, though it was clear he too was affected by the tension.

Despite their lack of appetite, everyone forced themselves to eat, mechanically taking bites of food to prepare themselves for the challenges the day would bring.

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