Chapter 2

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Hot shot was in the hospital. He had just found out he was in heart failure. He found out how bad his heart failure is and needs a heart transplant. Hot shot didn't know much about a heart transplant or about heart failure. He was feeling pretty scared and nervous about what was happening to him. But he was hoping to get a new heart soon. Despite hoping he would get a new heart soon, he had many questions about heart failure and heart transplant. He was wondering if the heart failure was his fault. He was wondering how it happened to him. He was wondering what was causing his heart failure. He was wondering where the transplanted heart came from. He was wondering if the rest of the family knew about his condition. He was wondering if he was going to be okay. He was wondering how they were going to put the new heart in when he got it. He had nothing but questions.

Due to so many questions spinning around in his head Hot shot was finding it hard to sleep in the hospital. Hot shot was tired and wanted to sleep, but it was hard to sleep due to all these questions. But he tried his best to sleep though.

A nurse kept coming in to check on him during the night. Hot shot wasn't too happy about it. She kept check his monitors and such. She was even replacing the empty medicines bags with new ones. She also asked him a lot if he needed anything.

Quickshadow was there and trying her best to comfort Hot shot during that time. Hot shot was glad his mother was there. Hot shot was told by his parents that they would be taking turns with being with him in the hospital. They were going to be there for him and help him if needed.

Hot shot was wondering how long it was going to be until he gets his heart transplant. He was wondering when it was going to happen. He just was wondering and having a lot of questions about it.

Then morning soon came and Hot shot woke up. "Good morning poppet," Quickshadow said.

"Morning mummy," Hot shot said.

A nurse named Janet checked on Hot shot. "Good morning Hot shot," Janet said. "Everything seems to be checking out okay," she said. "What would you like for breakfast?" she asked.

"Do you have frosted flakes they are my favorite cereal, and I want strawberries and milk with it," Hot shot said.

"That can easily be arranged," Janet said.

Hot shot soon got his cereal and started to eat it up. Hot shot was happy to have it and ate what he could of it. But it was hard to eat much because of his heart failure. It messed with his appetite. Hot shot was hoping to feel better once he got his heart transplant. Hot shot still had so many questions about what was going on and what was going to happen.

"Mummy I have a lot of questions," Hot shot said.

"Well I can try to answer them, I am a pediatric cardiologist," Quickshadow said. "So I know a thing or two about what is going on," she said.

"Is it my fault I have heart failure?" Hot shot asked.

"No Hot shot it most certainly is not your fault," Quickshadow said. "Lots of kids ask that question," she said. "Nothing you did, said, thought or ate caused the heart failure," she said. "Heart failure just happens," she said. "Doctors don't know why some kids go into heart failure and others don't," she said. "But they know a lot how to help kids hearts get better, or find other ways to help the child like with a heart transplant," she said. "But just remember it is not your fault or anyone else's fault," she said.

"Okay what is causing my heart failure?" Hot shot asked.

"You have something called dilated cardiomyopathy is it when the muscles of the heart stretch out, it makes the heart bigger, but weaker," Quickshadow said. "It makes it hard for your heart to pump the blood like it is supposed too making it fail," she said.

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