Chapter 4

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Hot shot is waiting for a heart transplant. Hot shot was wondering when he will get his new heart. He was just going to be patient. He also wasn't going to give up hope on getting a new heart. Hot shot was being very brave too.

Hot shot currently had a feeding tube in place. The type of tube he had was called an NG tube. It goes up the nose and down the throat and into the stomach. Hot shot now didn't even notice it was there. Hot shot was trying his best to keep himself busy during this time. Hot shot really can't do much while in the CICU. Hot shot pretty much had to stay put. He only left the room when he had tests or had to get a check up. Hot shot pretty much had to stay in his room. Hot shot was currently collecting things called beads of courage. Hot shot had a few for his overnight stays and being in the CICU. He also had beads for things like his EKGs and his ECHOS. He even had ones for chest X-rays. He even had ones for getting poked with needles and getting blood draws. He even had ones for bravery and doing something special.

Hot shot liked his beads it made him feel very proud. It was helping show his journey so far. Hot shot was looking forward to adding more beads.

Hot shot was doing a good job at not giving up hope. He was staying hopeful. "I know I will get a new heart soon," Hot shot said.

"Very good Hot shot," Quickshadow said. "Don't ever give up hope," she said. "You a staying strong and I am proud of you," she said.

"You are such a brave boy, son and it is great you have hope and you are not giving it up," Heatwave said. "Many children and even adults look up to that kind of attitude," he said.

"They do?" Hot shot asked.

"Yes they do," Heatwave said.

"Well I got go," Quickshadow said. "I have to go and get ready for work," she said.

"Don't worry darling I am going to be here with our son," Heatwave said.

"I know you will," Quickshadow said. Then she kissed Hot shot's head and then kissed Heatwave. "I will be back as soon as I can," she told him, then she left.

Hot shot was sad to see his mother leave. Hot shot was happy his father was with him. Hot shot was very busy with the things going on with his heart.

Hot shot sometimes worried about his heart and what it was doing. It was hard having to stay in the hospital while waiting for a new heart.

Today Hot shot had a very special visitor. It was one of the child life specialists. She brought a dog. "Hot shot this is Melman he is a therapy dog who works here in the heart center," the child life specialist said.

Hot shot began to pet Melman. "He's so soft," Hot shot said. Hot shot was happy to be able to spend time with Melman.

Hot shot was able to rest for a while and relax. Hot shot had things he still needed to do during his stay. Hot shot was wondering if everything will be the same again.

A few days later after being in the hospital for about three months, Roxy came into the room. "Hello," Roxy said.

"Hi," Hot shot said.

"Hot shot qualifies for a wish from make a wish," Roxy said.

"That's good it will help him get some happiness and something to look forward to." Quickshadow said. "He is going through a lot and it will be good for him," she said.

"I agree," Heatwave said.

"Wish?" Hot shot asked.

"Yes you will get one wish." Roxy said. "You can wish to be something, wish to go somewhere, wish to meet someone, wish to have something, or wish to give back," she said.  "You get only one wish so you got to make it count," she said. "Soon a wish coordinator will come into contact with you and your parents," she said. "Then you can tell them what you want to wish for," she said. "You got time to think about it." She told him.

"Okay," Hot shot said. Hot shot was very happy and excited he was going to be getting a wish. It was amazing and he was going to think hard about what he was going to wish for.

Hot shot was wondering when he would get to go home. "When can I go home after transplant?" Hot shot asked.

"You will be able to leave the hospital two to four weeks after transplant," Quickshadow said. "But we need to stay in a hotel that is close by for the first three months to help the doctors keep an eye on your new heart," she told him. "Then after that we will go home," she said.

"Sounds like I won't be home for a while," Hot shot said.

"Most likely no we won't be home soon," Quickshadow said. "But will be home before you know it, so try to be patient," she told him.

"Okay mummy," Hot shot said. "I have a feeling I will get my new heart sometime soon," he said.

"That's the spirit," Quickshadow told him.

Hot shot was going to keep hoping for his new heart to come. He knew he was going to get one. He was going to stay brave and strong through it all. He was going to do what he could during the wait to make it easier. He was wondering when his new heart was going to arrive. He was told it could take a very long time. But Hot shot was for sure it was going to happen very soon. He knew after it happened he wanted to meet the donor family or simply get into contact with them. But for now he just had to wait for it to come.

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