~•Found In The Rain•~

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He's clearly furious that I let his children run in the woods. But I was panicking! He can't blame me for that! "They should be nearby." "How can you tell exactly?" "It's sorta apart of my abilities. I can hunt down any demons under my curse." "Curse what curse?" "Well obviously the curse of being a demon but also the curse of not being able to spread information about me. I would obviously know but if they say my name it's pretty brutal what happens to them." "How smart." "Hm?" "You can decrease the amount of knowledge about yourself that's probably why you're so hard to find and defeat."

He thinks I'm smart. I mean I know I am but it feels nice when someone else says it on their own. I looked to the side and knelt down. "Did you find them. "Yeah. Come on come here." Two small children peeked up at me but didn't move. "Huh? Hey what's wrong it's ok." They backed away and Tsukiko hugged his sister pulling her in his arms glaring at me. "Go away!"

I was shocked. D-Did they hate me? It's my fault they had to run in the woods all by themselves but I thought they'd be fine. "Hey I'm sorry I didn't mean to leave you guys." "I said go away!" I got pushed back, I landed on my feet but I looked down at my arm and it was bleeding with a bunch of deep cuts.

It healed up but there were small spikes stuck in my skin. "What the..." "You stay away from us!" What an impressive blood demon art... and so powerful at such a young age. Strong enough to penetrate my skin. I took them out and the wounds healed completely. "Are you ok?" "Yeah I'm fine I didn't know your kids would be so powerful." "Hey you stay away from daddy!" "Why do they seem so scared of me?" "You know you're still a woman right? You also look slightly human they probably don't recognize you."

I slapped myself mentally. Obviously! I'm not in my regular form and I told them not to come out unless "I" came and got them! I signed in relief, they don't actually hate me. I'm so stupid! I looked back at them "Hey calm down it's me." My body went back to normal and I looked at least similar to what I normally did. They both looked shocked at confused. "P-Papa?" "Yeah it's me." Mitsuki ran into my arms and cried "I was scared I didn't recognize you at all!" "Hey it's ok."

I looked up and Tsukiko was pale and crying. "Hey are you ok?" "I-I'm sorry! I didn't mean to!" Oh no he probably thinks I'm mad now. "Hey it's fine I should've changed back before I came and found you." "No it's not ok! You got hurt because of me!" I handed Mitsuki to her father and she immediately clung onto him. "Tsukiko I'm proud of you ok?" "P-Proud why?" "You protected your sister. Not to mention that power of yours is so impressive. Besides I heal up quickly." I lifted my arm a little to show him that his attack didn't even leave a scar. He hugged me and I picked him up.

Oh my god so cute. I'll have to teach him to control that power. "Michikatsu." "Hm?" "Are you scared of me?" "Scared of you? Uhm not really why do you ask?" "J-Just curious." He didn't look convinced but I just sighed and started walking. "We should get back. It looks like it's about to rain." "Uh yeah." He followed behind me as I walked.

It took a while to get home the rain started pouring hard. I covered the sleeping child in my arm as much as I could but he still got quite wet. We got inside and I realized I probably should've shrunk my hair back. It's still super long and that made me even more wet. Not to mention it's way heavier now that it's soaked. How do women do this?

We got inside and I sat Tuskiko on the ground. "Where are their clothes I don't think they'll be very comfortable in those soaking wet clothes." "Uh I left them in my closet." "Mhm." I went into his closet and checked around. He sure isn't very organized. I checked a small box and found the clothes. As I was walking back I sneezed. Huh? I haven't sneezed in years. It's probably just the dust. I've told him so many times to clean this place better.

It's not like he's filthy but still. Maybe I'm just being a clean freak. "Achoo!" "Are you alright? I thought demons never got sick." "Uh yeah I'm fine probably just the dust in the air." "But I dusted just yesterday?" "Oh- it's nothing I'm sure." He glared at me again. "What?" "Nothing just thinking." He's so weird.

I changed the children and they slept together in the same bed. I sighed and rubbed my temples. My head hurt? Now that I think about it my body feels weird... i started panicking a little. No... no calm down it's nothing. I tried to take a deep breath but started coughing and fell on my knees. "Wh-what the..." He came over and knelt next to me. "Are you sure you're alright?" "I- don't know..." what's going on. I felt my body gets tired and my body felt like it was acting on its own. My body grew slim and I rubbed my eyes.

I-I'm dreaming I'm dreaming right!? This is a nightmare! I started hyperventilating and I felt tears in my eyes. He felt my head "you're burning up... you might be sick" I- I can't be sick! I'm a demon I left my sickness and weakness behind me when I was human! My life's repeating itself! "Hey! Calm down." "I-I can't..." Why is this happening!? My biggest fear other than death!


Yeah I'm not leaving you guys on a cliffhanger like that! TWO CHAPTERS FOR THE DAY!!!! 😁

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