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I finished getting ready and of course I looked ✨Fabulouse✨ Anyways where is that neglected clearly depressed but somehow still a alpha sigma hot man? "You ready doll?" "Yass daddy." "Perfect."

He picked me up hands gripping my humongous ass cheeks. My tail started wagging, oh yeah forgot I'm an alpha now. I mean I was one before but I'm half demon half wolf.

My nails have been getting really dull, gone have to sharpen them on the skull of that bitch Emily that tried to steal my man. She was such a pick me like I'm nothing like that. I hate pink, I don't like skirts, and she's always full of drama. Could never be me. Anyways it's time for a date with my man!

He's just the cutest thing ever! I've been trying to bite him and make him a demon wolf too but he's being super stubborn. Oh whatever he'll come around eventually. He carried me out and then sat me on the floor. "Aweeee daddy I can't have uppies?~" "nope you're walking this time." "Pfft, jerk... I'm so small though! Just a wittle bean..." "I know but I can have you getting so lazy. You don't know how to walk around on your own two feet anymore." "Ugh fine!"

I got up and walked next to him. And eventually we got to the village. Everyone's eyes were immediately on him of course because he's so hot but it made me mad. He's mine bitches back off. I was gonna go bite them but he held me back. They're so lucky.

We finally got to the restaurant and I got my usual, sushi with extra rice.


We made it back home and I jumped on the bed. "Come on baby I wanna cuddle~" He climbed up and laid his head on my chest then we fell asleep.

Go down for more


Did y'all fr think this was a real chapter? 🤨 (go to the next one it's normal I promise 😂) P.S I cringed so damn hard making this.

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