~•Through Sickness and Health•~

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He was having a panic attack. It just seems like a high fever but he's freaking out. "Hey calm down you're fine." "N-No I can't be sick not again." He was actually crying... "It's ok you just have a fever." He started coughing again and tipped over almost hitting his head on the ground. I caught him and picked him up. Demons were rumored to never get sick or grow old. I guess the second parts true but still.

Judging by how weak he is I'd say it's a critical high fever, probably over 103. He probably caught a fever from the rain. He was still crying and soaked. "Shhh~ you're fine." He clung onto my shirt. "I don't wanna die..." "you're not going to die." He's trembling and hanging onto me for dear life. I walked towards the bedroom and sat him on the floor. I don't want him soaking up the bed. I went into my closet and grabbed a quick outfit and a towel.

He was lying on the ground. "Can you sit up for me?" He tried to get up but couldn't. He's that weak right now huh? I helped him sit up and lean against the bed frame. He seemed to have calmed down a little. He was still crying though. I started drying his hair, wet hair will only make it worse. It's so soft, I never really felt his hair before. It's way longer than usual since he never shrunk it back to normal. It's normally at most at his shoulders but now it's to his thighs. I'm not complaining though it looks nice.

He needs to change out of those clothes but... would he even be comfortable with me changing him? I've seen him naked before but still. "Hey uh are you ok with me changing you?" He just nodded. Let's just get this over with before it gets awkward. I undid him clothes... just do it quick. I quickly took them off and got him into the dry clothes as quickly as possible. I knew my face was red. Why am I reacting like this? I lifted him up and sat him on the bed. "Now you need to rest." "What if I die in my sleep..." "For the last time you're not going to die."

He's delusional. I started walking to the door when he grabbed my sleeve. "D-Don't leave please... I- I don't wanna be alone again..." Again? Is that a fear of his? "I need to get things done." "P-Please." I looked away and sighed, if it'll put him at ease. "Fine but let me change first I'm soaked." He nodded and laid his head back down on the pillow. I changed quickly and sat on the bed. He immediately crawled over to me and hugged me tightly. "You promise you won't leave?" "Yes I promise."

I pulled the covers up and sat back. He laid his head down on my chest and held onto me. He seems comfortable, I hesitantly stroked his head. He seems fine for the moment I just hope the fever will die down after sleeping.

~Timeskip to the morning~

I woke up early as usual and he was still hanging onto me. How is his grip so strong even when he's asleep? I did promise him I wouldn't leave but... I checked his forehead. He's still pretty warm I'll have to do more than just let him rest. Demons can still drink water right? Cold water should help. Sorry love but I have to break this promise or else you'll never get better.

I (somehow) got him to let go and stood up. Seriously that grip is insane. I walked out to the living room to find the twins playing. As soon as they saw me they both ran up to me. "Where's papa!?" "He's resting." Mitsuki looked confused "but it's so late in the day?" "Papa is sick today so he won't be out of bed." "Sick... how did papa get sick?" Tsukiko started tearing up "it's my fault isn't it? I hit him the other day now he's hurt!" "Tsukiko it's not your fault." "Then why is papa sick?" "It's just a fever he'll be fine." "Can we see papa?"

I don't want them getting sick but... "ok you can see him but keep your distance ok?" "Ok!" "I'm going to get papa some water now stay here." I went out and grabbed some water. It's not as cold as I wanted it to be but it's cold enough.


Daddy went to go get papa water but I want to see him now. I hope he's ok. Brother is blaming himself for what happened and won't listen to me or daddy when we say it wasn't his fault. Papa needs to get better soon and I'm gonna make sure of that! "Tsukiko!" "Wh-What?" "We have to help papa feel better!" "But daddy said to wait right here." "Do you wanna help papa feel better or not!?" "Y-Yes but-" "No buts let's go!" I pulled him along with me. To make him feel better he has to be happy. What would make papa happy? Ah flowers! "We need to get some flowers!" "Where are we gonna get flowers?" "Daddy has a few outside in the yard."

We went out in the porch and looked around. There was a small patch of flowers near the porch. But it was in the sun... papa and daddy said under no circumcircles or something like that to go into the sunlight for some reason.

The sky went dark as a large cloud covered the sun. Now the sunlights gone! Now's my chance! I ran out into the yard and picked the flowers. They were in beautiful shades of red and blue! The cloud started to continue moving I grabbed them and ran back to the porch under the shade. "That was close Mitsuki be more careful! Papa and daddy said not to go in the sun!" "Right I know! But we needed these!"

He rolled his eyes and sighed "just don't do that again." "Ok I promise!" "Good now let's go back inside." We went back in and I kept thinking. What else could we give papa? Oh! "Tsukiko let's give his one of our toys!" "You think he'd like it?" "Yeah!" We went to our beds and looked around. "Maybe he'd like my cat toy! She's my favorite!" "Alright... what could I give him though?" "Uh how about your windmill thing! It's red just like papas eyes!" "Oh it is! Perfect!"

Ok that should be enough to make papa happy and feel better! Daddy came back in and we ran back to our spots. "Why is your kimono so dirty Mitsuki?" "Oh no reason!" "Alright? Anyways ready to see papa?" "Yeah!"

{Muzan POV}

"Kill him!" "Burn the demon!" "M-Monster..." "you're not my son my sun isn't a murderer!" "Why wait?" "You'll burn for this!" "Go to hell..."


I woke up startled and breathing heavily. Damn these nightmares... I wiped the tears from my face. Those memories just won't let me be...

I feel like crap. Im so weak and this heat is killing me. Not to mention I'm all alone, he didn't even care enough to stay... maybe he just doesn't like me. Why am I even here? I'm being a burden again just like when I was a human... an inconvenience no one wanted to take care of and someone who was thought to be better just killed off.

I sighed and hugged the pillow, I feel helpless and I hate it. I heard the door open and I sat up struggling a little and sat back in the headboard. I wonder if the kids are ok. Two tiny children ran up to me. Speak of the devils. They both hugged me and as much as I wanted to hug them back I was too tired for this. "I told you two not to get too close." I looked up "oh... you're back." He looked away. "Papa were came to make you feel better by making you happy!" I smiled "Thanks Mitsuki and you too Tsukiko."

She handed me some flowers that were red and blue. "How beautiful." "You like them!?" "Yes of course." "We also brought you our toys to make you smile! My cat always cheers me up and talks with me!" What a big imagination she has. "And Tsukiko brought you his small windmill thing." I glanced at him "I-it's because it matches your eyes."

I smiled. "That's so sweet that you." He looked happy that I'd accepted his gift. "Now you two off the bed I don't want to get you sick." They climbed down and ran back out the door. I sat the things they brought me on the nightstand. "Kids are so innocent and pure. It's refreshing sometimes you know." I was just talking out loud but I found myself staring at him.

He came up to me and grabbed my hand giving it a gentle kiss on the back of it. "I'd kiss you normally but I refuse to get sick." He squeezed my hand lightly. "I'm sorry I left earlier I just wanted you to get better so I got you some water." I know he left for a reason but still. I just got him and I always lose people i don't wanna lose him too... I sighed "it's fine..." "I love you."

But I have a feeling...

He's not going anywhere is he?


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