Wonwoo's mate

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It was after one week that Seokmin went into his Rut and since then he has been extra clingy towards Soonyoung.

He is only leaving his side when either of them has to go to the washroom or the bathroom to wash up.

Now Soonyoung didn't have any problem with Seokmin's clinginess in fact, he adored this side of his mate but sometimes it was too much as Seokmin refused to leave his side even for a minute. And when Soonyoung would politely request him to leave him for five minutes, Seokmin would get all upset and state that Soonyoung doesn't love him anymore.

So Soonyoung has no choice but to bring Seokmin along with him wherever he goes.

If Soonyoung goes to his pack Seokmin follows and if Seokmin wants to return to his pack he brings Soonyoung with him.

This has benefited them in one thing and that is that the Shadow that was behind them was unable to do anything as Soonyoung and Seokmin are always stuck to each other like glue.

Today Soonyoung is at the Crescent Moon pack as Seokmin refuses to leave his pack and he also doesn't want Soonyoung to leave him.

Today is Wonwoo's eighteenth birthday and as Seokmin loves his Wonwoo Hyung a lot, he has taken it upon himself to look into the decorations and food.

He has called the Red Moon pack members as well for an extra hand and Mingyu was more than happy to help.

The friends gathered around with decoration items and decided to split the tasks amongst each other.

Joshua and Jeonghan got the task of blowing the balloons and decorating them into an arch.

Seungcheol and Soonyoung got the task of lighting the whole Crescent Moon pack.

Jun and Minghao got the task of putting on the other decorating items.

Vernon and Seungkwan decided to help everyone from time to time.

Seokmin, Jihoon and Chan got the task of preparing the food needed.

And lastly, Mingyu volunteered to bake a cake for Wonwoo.

Now everyone was happy with their tasks but one person wasn't.


"Hyung I want Soonie with me"

"You have been with him for almost an entire week. Leave that poor boy alone for some time", said Minghao.

"Easy for you to say that you have got your mate with you"

"Yeah because I wasn't practically attached to him like a leech"

"Soonie will replace Chan", said Seokmin looking at Soonyoung completely ignoring Minghao.

"No no. The partners won't be changing", said Jeonghan.

"Hyung, please. I need Soonie", whined Seokmin.

"The partners won't be changing. Work with your assigned pairs, if you don't want to then don't attend the party", said Jeonghan sternly.

Seokmin pouted and looked towards Soonyoung giving him the best puppy eyes he could muster.

Soonyoung melted and was about to give in before Jeonghan interrupted.

"Don't you dare give in Soons. He can survive without you for a few hours", said Jeonghan.

Soonyoung looked at Seokmin sadly. He can't do anything and besides he knows that if they get paired up he won't be concentrating on the assigned task but rather flirt with his mate. So they should be separated.

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