"Mine", Hoshi growled

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It was the day after Jihoon's birthday and crowning ceremony. The Red Moon pack members had stayed in the Crescent Moon pack itself.

They are all gathered around, ready to start their day by first going to school.

As they reached school many people came up to Jihoon to congratulate him for being the Head Alpha of the Crescent Moon pack.

Now as Seojun, the former head Alpha, had merged the Crescent Moon pack and Midnight Moon pack under his leadership, Jihoon has to lead both packs for the time being.

When Seokmin turns eighteen, Seojun has decided that he'll be crowning Seokmin as the Head Alpha of the Midnight Moon pack so that Jihoon doesn't have to handle two packs simultaneously.

He knows it's a lot to take in, so that is why he didn't want to burden the eighteen-year-old Jihoon.

Jihoon who wasn't fond of receiving attention turned shy seeing these many people coming up to him.

The others chuckled at Jihoon's reaction and soon the crowd dispersed leaving the group of friends alone.

They all went towards their locker to take out the materials needed for their classes.

As they were all busy taking out the materials needed, Soonyoung noticed Hyerin coming their way.

And instinctively he held Seokmin's waist and pulled him towards himself.

Seokmin looked at him puzzled by his actions.

Soonyoung just kissed his cheeks and scented him.

Scenting their mate means that the Alpha usually scent their omegas so that no other Alpha would come near them and back away knowing that the Omega already has an Alpha.

So Soonyoung here scented his mate claiming him as his.

Hyerin approached them and greeted Seokmin not sparing a glance at Soonyoung who was close to him.

"Hey Seokmin. How are you?"

"He's fine. You don't have to worry. Now if you are done you can leave", said Soonyoung replying on behalf of Seokmin.

Seokmin looked at him,
"Soonie. That's rude"

"So? I don't care"

"What is your problem? Can't I come and greet my friend?", asked Hyerin.

"He isn't your friend"

"And who are you to decide that?"

"His mate. His other half", said Soonyoung.

Seokmin smiled.
"I am doing good Hyerin. Please excuse us as we need to go now", he said.

Hyerin smiled back,
"Sure I just wanted to say Hi"

Seokmin nodded and pulled Soonyoung towards him.

Soonyoung looked at Hyerin who was staring at Seokmin with a look that he was almost familiar with.

The look he once had in his eyes while staring at his now mate.

The same love that she held in her eyes made him feel something in his heart.

An unknown fear crept up in his chest. Fear of losing his one and only.

"Now you understand how Seokmin must have felt about Soojin?", asked Hoshi.

"Yeah", said Soonyoung instantly.

"Don't worry she won't be able to do anything. Seokmin loves us a lot", said Hoshi.

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