"Never mess with what's mine"

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Alternative title: Never touch what's mine.
(I wanted to put both as the title but It would get long so I am writing it here)

It was 7 pm when Seokmin got up from his deep slumber.

He had a strong arm wrapped around himself and his back against Soonyoung's chest.

He started to recall the previous events that took place hours ago.

He felt heat creep on his cheeks when he remembered how needy he was and how desperately he wanted to help Soonyoung with his rut.

They almost were at it but Soonyoung stopped or else he was sure he was going to lose his virginity today itself.

He doesn't understand what's wrong with him. He always wants his mate near him and always wants to be close to him.

Whenever Soonyoung goes away from him even for a minute, he feels restless.

The need to stick close to his mate every time is always a must for him.

Seokmin is thankful that Soonyoung is his mate.

Soonyoung, who always cares for him. Soonyoung, who always is there for him no matter what. Soonyoung, who always makes him feel that he is loved.

He appreciates all the things that Soonyoung has done for him till now.

Seokmin turned towards Soonyoung facing him and buried his face in Soonyoung's chest inhaling his scent.

He then stared at Soonyoung's face, for a couple of minutes he just stared at him and wondered how did he get lucky to have him in his life.

"Thank you so much Mother", he said thanking his mother for blessing him with a person who has a beautiful heart.

Seokmin leaned forward and planted a kiss on Soonyoung's forehead, then on both his eyes, on his nose, and then he placed a kiss on both his chubby cheeks which he loved, lastly, he halted near Soonyoung's lips, his breath fanning over his own lips.

After a few seconds, Seokmin captured his lips with Soonyoung's.

And before he could withdraw, he felt Soonyoung kiss him back.

He was caught, but nonetheless, he kissed Soonyoung back. He felt himself being pulled closer and the kiss deepened, Soonyoung bit his lips asking for entrance which he gladly gave.

Seokmin was over the moon. Their legs tangled with each other, bodies wrapped into the silky sheets, being in each other's arms was all Seokmin wanted. He cherished these moments a lot and didn't want it to get over.

But eventually, they had to pull away as they were feeling short of breath.

"I love you so fucking much, Princess", Soonyoung breathed.

"I love you too, so so much, Alpha", and they fell into a comfortable silence staring right into each other's eyes.

"When did you wake up?", asked Seokmin still staring into those black orbs of his mate which were staring back at him lovingly.

The way Soonyoung's eyes radiated warmth of love in them while staring at Seokmin made the latter feel giddy in his stomach.

"The time when you placed a tender kiss on my forehead", replied Soonyoung.

Seokmin blushed,
"I am sorry for waking you up"

"It's not a problem at all. I am glad I could wake up with your kisses. You have no idea how much I want this to feel every morning. Waking up with you in my arms and with your kisses. I want that so bad, but unfortunately, I can't", said Soonyoung.

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