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The morning sunlight streamed through the windows of the classroom as the instructor announced that they would be starting swordsmanship training today. The students murmured amongst themselves, some excitedly discussing the upcoming training, while others looked somewhat nervous and uncertain.

Nathan, who was still feeling the sting of his humiliation the previous day, couldn't help but feel a mixture of trepidation and curiosity as he waited for further instructions.

The instructor walked to the front of the classroom and surveyed the students, his eyes lingering on Nathan for a moment longer than necessary. He then cleared his throat to get everyone's attention.

"Today, we'll be starting a series of training to enhance your skills in swordsmanhip," he began in a firm voice. "You'll be working in pairs, and will be graded based on how well you can wield and control a blade."

The instructor nodded towards a rack of swords lined up against the wall. "Go and grab a partner and a sword from the rack. Make sure you handle them with care and respect," he instructed.

The students began to stand up and form pairs, some quickly grabbing their swords and heading for an open space in the classroom to practice. Meanwhile, Nathan remained seated, his eyes fixed on the rack of swords as a sense of dread filled his stomach. He had never held a sword before...

"Looks like you're all alone," she observed, her voice dripping with mock concern. "Don't tell me you've never handled a sword before?"

Nathan's cheeks flared red in embarrassment, and he avoided Scarlett's gaze. "I... I haven't," he admitted, his voice low.

Scarlett raised an eyebrow in fake surprise, a smirk still on her lips. "Oh really? Well isn't that adorable!" she exclaimed, her tone dripping with sarcasm. "Looks like you'll need a partner to hold your hand and teach you how to swing a sword, isn't that right?"

Nathan wanted to protest, but he found it hard to form words under Scarlett's relentless mockery. He just nod his head silently, feeling more embarrassed by the second.

Scarlett chuckled at his compliance. "Lucky for you, I'm feeling generous today," she said, her expression anything but generous. "I'll be your partner for today, but don't expect me to go easy on you."

With that, she grabbed two swords from the rack and handed one to Nathan, who took it with hesitance. The weight of the blade felt foreign and cumbersome in his hand, making him doubt his ability even more.

Nathan hesitantly raised his sword, trying to mimic Scarlett's stance. His hands trembled slightly from both nervousness and sheer awkwardness, and he could feel his palms beginning to sweat.

Scarlett observed his attempt and let out a frustrated sigh. "You look like a child trying to hold a toy for the first time," she commented, shaking her head in disappointment. "Here, let me show you how it's really done."

Scarlett's sword flashed quickly, and before Nathan could even react, the blunt edge connected with his chin, sending him stumbling backward. A chorus of gasps and chuckles filled the room, and Nathan felt his face flush red, both from the impact and from embarrassment.

This was exactly what Scarlett had intended. The classroom was filled with the sound of students sparring with each other, the clacking of wooden swords filling the air, and the shouts and grunts of the students as they engaged in their practice duels. No one was paying attention to Scarlett and Nathan in their isolated spot.

Scarlett smirked at the lack of attention, and she continued her mocking. "Are you even trying?" she taunted, raising her sword again. "Or are you just going to let me knock you around like a punching bag all day?"

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