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Liriel rubbed her sleepy eyes and let out another yawn as the morning sun streamed through the windows of the cafe. She was starting her shift early in the morning again, her duties consisting of taking orders, preparing beverages, and maintaining the tidy cafe environment.

Liriel took a moment to freshen up in the cafe bathroom. She washed her silvery hair and splashed some water on her face to wake herself more. She then braided her hair into a neat ponytail and took a good look in the mirror, nodding in approval at her reflection.
"Alright," she mumbled to herself, "ready for another day."

Liriel slipped into her maid uniform, ensuring the crisp white blouse was neatly tucked into her black skirt. She adjusted the frilly apron and gave herself one last check in the mirror before heading out to start her duties.

Liriel emerged from the staff room in an elegant and poised manner, exuding grace and professionalism in her maid outfit. Her silvery hair was tied back in a neat ponytail, and her white blouse and black skirt were perfectly pressed, a picture of class and efficiency.

Liriel stepped into the main area of the cafe and began preparing for the day. She started by rearranging the tables and chairs, ensuring they were neatly arranged and free from any clutter. Satisfied with her work, she proceeded to clean the surfaces and polish the silverware, making sure each spot was spotless.

The butler walked into the cafe, followed closely by a few maids from the manor of Lady Alice and Lord William. Their arrival signaled the beginning of the day's service at the cafe. Some of the maids set to work straightening chairs and tidying the cafe, while others began preparing the coffee and tea, and the pastries for the morning customers.

The butler walked to the windows and pulled back the curtains, letting the early morning sunlight pour into the cafe. He then turned to the maids and announced with a confident smile on his face, "The cafe is now open for business. Be ready to welcome our first guests of the day."

Liriel took a deep breath and steadied herself as she prepared for the day's customers. She positioned herself behind the counter and arranged a friendly smile on her face, ready to greet the patrons who would soon enter the cafe.

"Alright, you can do this," Liriel whispered to herself, mentally preparing for the upcoming rush. "Just greet them with your smile and take their orders, no problem." She took another deep breath and looked at herself in the mirror, giving herself a firm nod. "You're a professional, just remember that. Don't mess this up."

As the cafe opened for business, a steady stream of customers began filing in through the doors. Liriel and her fellow maids quickly went to work, taking orders from each patron and ensuring there was a smooth flow of service. The maids moved with practiced ease, swiftly and efficiently taking care of each customer's needs, from hot beverages to fresh pastries and other refreshments.

Liriel moved gracefully around the tables, taking each customer's order with practiced ease. She walked with a quiet confidence, her steps measured and her gaze steady. Her elegant manners and professional demeanor ensured every customer felt comfortable and well-taken care of. Even when things got busy, she never faltered, keeping her composure and treating each customer with gracious courtesy.

Liriel made her way to the kitchen, where the butler and other maids were preparing the orders. She called out the orders with a calm and steady voice:

"Two cappuccinos, a green tea, and a blueberry muffin on table seven."
"One latte, and a croissant for table five, please."
"Black coffee, and a slice of apple pie for table three."

Liriel continued to relay the orders to the kitchen staff, her tone measured and clear.

"One mocha, and a scone for table ten."
"An americano, and a chocolate croissant for table six."
"A hot chocolate, and a raspberry tart for table two."

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