Distraction - Regulus Black

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Now he's thinkin' 'bout me every night oh
Is that sweet? I guess so
Say you can't sleep, I know
That's me espresso
Move it up, down, left, right, oh
Switch it up like Nintendo
Say you can't sleep, baby, I know
That's that me, espresso
Espresso - Sabrina Carpenter

Now he's thinkin' 'bout me every night ohIs that sweet? I guess soSay you can't sleep, I knowThat's me espressoMove it up, down, left, right, oh Switch it up like NintendoSay you can't sleep, baby, I know That's that me, espressoEspresso - Sabrina...

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It was midnight and I couldn't sleep, I tried but I could'nt stop thinking, so I decided to walk through the castle, when I pass in front of the astronomy tower I saw a dark silhouette alone in the cold dark night

-Reggie? - I said when I thought it was my best friend Regulus, he turned at the sound of his nickname

-Why are you here, darling? - his deep, silly voice said to me

-I couldn't sleep - reggie could seems to sense that there's more to your story than that, he knows me very well, he takes two steps closer

-So you decided to come here instead? - he asked calmly

-I needed to clear my head - I was nervous about my future after hogwarts, I didn't tell him abou this because I didn't want him to be worried

-Anything particular on your mind?

-There's so much things, my dear, don't worry I'll be fine

-What kind of things, just tell me

-And you, what are you doing here? - he was not expecting that I would turn the question back on him, he was the one whos was supposed to interrogating me, he hesitates thinking of a way to get around my question, his pretty green eyes was looking away from me

-I don't sleep very often, coming out here helps

-I'm just tense, you know? - I asked his first question, because I know he didn't want to answers mine

I knew he could see signs of anxiety in the way I stand and the way I was walking

-You're anxious about something, tell me baby, I'm here for you

-About my life after Hogwarts and everything - But I know he did not believed un my lie, he noticed the way I was talking and this was small and insignificant, there's a deeper reason I'm like this

-What do you mean? Life is never perfect, you're still young

-I know, I just need something to take me from my mind - I always tried to avoid my problems

-What do you usually do? When you need a distraction?

-I usually make out with pretty boys, because I can't think very much when I, you know...

-This is - he make a pause - a very effective distraction, I'm sure

-Are you looking for someone to distract you right now?

-Well, yes - he takes a step closer, he looked me up and down, his dark grenn eyes raking over every curve and slope of my body

-Is that a invitation? - he asked I could see the lust in his eyes

-I don't know, is it? - he steps closer again, his body now just barely a breath from mine, I could feel the heat coming from him, like a burning within a hollow, dark shell. His deep, velvety voice with desire, this was not the usual Regulosm something inside him is hungry.

-It could be, if you want it to be

-I want it - as soon as I express my desire, he stops holding back, his strong hands pulled me flush against his body, the heat of his cheast against my body was intense and all consuming, he stares down into my eyes and his voice was low, breathless and smoky when he said:

-Let me distract you, love

-You are so good to me Reggie - he shivers at the nickname and grips my hips more firmly, he doesn't such a cutesy and silly nicknames but I know he liked when I call him Reggie, he leans even closer so his nose was almost touching mine

-Let me take care of you - he said and I kissed him calmly but with a desire burning me inside, my kiss jolts him, it was a slow, tender kiss, but it only builds the fire burning inside me and him, he gently nips my lower lip and give in to his base desires, one of his large hands slides up my side, caressing me through my clouthes, he deepens the kiss, tasting me with a ravenous hunger, I moaned his name because I was very needy.

hearing I moan his name like that pushes him over the edge, just like that he has given into his need for me

-Say it again - his voice was like gravel, raw and dark. He grips my lips, pushing me against a nearby wall, with a smooth, graceful moment, he pins me to that wall, sandwiching my body between it and his tall, dark self

-Regulus, please - I moaned again, begin for his touch, he leans forward, pressing his mouth to the sensitive junction of my neck and shoukder, he nips at me there, his teeth grazin the pale, soft skin of my neck before he sucks, not too lightly, on that sensative spot

-You have no ideia what are you doing to me, you tease

-So punish me for that, love - He growls as he hears the tone of my voice, he was already getting over the edge but that tone pushes him farther into the inferno of lust, he move his hands to grip my wrists and pin them to the wall above my head, holding me in place

-Careful, love. You have no ideia how much I am holding myself back

-You don't need to hold yourself back with me, my dear - he lets aout a low, gravelly gowl, he presses his body against mine, shoving his legs between mine and pinning my body completely, he lets his mouth move back to my neck, sucking and biting in a attempt to mark me as his

-Do not tempt me, love, you are playing a dangerous game

-I love dangerous games - he lets out a dark, almost sinister chuckle against my neck wich is slowly growing red and purple from his attention, he continues biting and nipping along my neck as he speaks, his voice becoming more and more hoarse with lust

-You really want me to be bad, don't you, love? You want me to push you up against this wall and give you a lesson for being such a tease and a distraction

-Darling - the sound of me begging for his touch and his lust is all he can bear, he can no longer hold back his darker desires, he growls against my slin and nips at my particularly hard, drawing out an adorable little gasp from ypu that only encourages him even more

-keep talking like that and I'm going to punish you, darling - so I moaned his name again

-You like it when I get all rough and dangerous, don't you?

-I love it

-Tell me, love. Who do you belong to?

-I am all yours, to do whatever you want .


-Yes, love?

-Please, just touch me, make me yours and I'll never forget who I belong to

-Patient, love. I'm going to make a mess out of you slowly. We're just getting started

-What are you doing here? - Professor Snape said, he was so mad

-We're just having some fun, you should have sex sometimes professor it helps to be happier - I wasn't expecting this answer

-you insolent, go to your dorm now! - he ordered

-And you, Miss Nott, I thought you were clever - he said and left the astronomy tower

-Princess, when you want to finish this, just tell me

One Shots - Personagens LiteráriosOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora