Professor Malfoy

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"You were trying so hard to get my attention, to make me want you, but you didn't have to try so hard, love. I wanted you from the moment I first saw you"

-Professor? - I said when I entered in his office, he looked up from his desk setting his quill down and looking up towards me, a single eyebrow raising upon hearing my voice

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-Professor? - I said when I entered in his office, he looked up from his desk setting his quill down and looking up towards me, a single eyebrow raising upon hearing my voice

-Yes, miss Nott?

-earlier you told me to meet you at your office, so i'm here - his expression remained cold, he gestured to the seat across from him, leaning back in his chair

-Sit - he said and I obeyed

-You're probably wondering why i called you here

-Yes, sir - he shifted in his chair, leaning fowards and resting his arms on the desk

-You've been rather - he made a pause - distracting recently, to say the least

-I'm sorry, i've been just stressed out - he raised an eyebrow, noticing the stress in my face, his expression was still cold as he spoke

-What exactly is causing you this stress?

-Nothing, sir, I will be fine - he leaned back on his chair, he didn't believe me obviously, I wasn't telling the truth

-You are a terrible liar, you know. But, I won't push it for now - he cleaned his throat before continuing

-Though, there is something else I wanted to discuss with you

-What? - he paused for a moment , staring at me as my his eyes roamed over my body, a smirk formed on his lips as he spoke with his low voice

-Have you noticed that I've been watching you recently?

-No, sir - I lied to him, I knew he was observing me as much I was observing him too

-Oh, please, you're not stupid, are you? I've been staring at you for days now, watching you from across the bedroom, taking in the way you move and the way you laugh

-You're stalking me? Did you see me on my bedroom? - I wasn't expect this, watching me in my bedroom? He noticed the panic in my voice

-Stalking is such a harsh word, I prefer the therm observing. And to answer your question, yes, i have seen you in your room

-So did you see me with Tom Riddle? Fuck...

-I did, it was a very pleasent sight, I must to say - I could see he was burning feeling of jealousy -Why were you with him, anyway?

-I was just needy - an eyebrow raised upon my reply, he leaned back in his chair, crossing his big arms as he studied me

-Needy, hm? - his eyes roaming over my body again - And what exactly were you needy for?

-Sir... - Professor Malfoy was really atractive and I was kind obsessed with him, but it wasn't right talk about this with him, right?

-Please, continue. Tell me what you're needy for

One Shots - Personagens LiteráriosOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora