Chapter 4

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When Shen Yaochuan returned after signing a series of documents, he found the siren staff trying to coax the little siren in the eggshell. They were holding various snacks for young sirens, trying to tempt him, but the little one inside kept curling up in the shell, refusing to show his head or eat the food they offered.

【Host, aren't you hungry? These snacks look quite tasty】

Tang Li, "Hungry."

He was still a newly born pup, his stomach was empty and he had been hungry for a while.

But he was afraid of sirens.

Just seeing the sirens' fingers with their transparent, veil-like webbing made him think of the previous world, where a siren had used suddenly elongated sharp nails to wound his tail, leaving that agonizingly painful scar.

With so many siren hands reaching towards him, his heart was about to jump out of his chest.

How could I dare to eat the food they offered?

The system knew that Tang Li's fear of sirens couldn't be reduced quickly, even though these sirens didn't harbour the malice of those in the previous world. After all, "once bitten, twice shy."

It didn't say anything more, only hoping he would gradually adapt.

"The little one is too timid," sighed a siren staff member, admitting defeat.

They didn't dare to simply toss the snacks in, fearing the little one might choke, or squirrel them away in his eggshell where they'd be hard to clean and might spoil, harming his health.

Shen Yaochuan manoeuvred his wheelchair to their side. Seeing the group of siren staff looking troubled, he casually picked up a shrimp-shaped snack specially made of shrimp meat for young sirens and gently tapped on the eggshell.

The siren staff all made way for him, stepping back and watching their prince's hand holding the snack with anticipation.

As he didn't need to swim in water, Shen Yaochuan had retracted all his siren characteristic organs, appearing no different from an ordinary human at first glance.

This perfect mimicry was achievable only by sirens with high-level psychic powers.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

A string of bubbles gurgled up.

Then, a pair of small hands grasped Shen Yaochuan's fingers, tugging them towards the shell.

Only from Shen Yaochuan's angle could one see the black pearl-like eyes inside the eggshell.

Seeming to understand his intention, Shen Yaochuan extended the snack in his hand slightly into the eggshell, but didn't let go.

Soon, the sound of the pup eating came from within the shell.

Crunch, crunch, crunch.

It was the sound of little teeth nibbling on the snack.

Sirens are born with teeth, so eating these not-too-hard snacks wasn't difficult at all. In fact, it could help with teething, promoting tooth growth.

Along with the sound of teeth nibbling on the snack, in Tang Li's mind appeared,

【Lucky Coin +1】

【Lucky Coin +1】

【Lucky Coin +1】


Tang Li's tail curled slightly in pleasure as he nibbled more happily.

Not only did he have snacks to eat, but he was also earning lucky coins. Although it wasn't much and stopped increasing after reaching a certain limit, even small gains were welcome.

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