Ch 5: The Weeb Dragon, Veldora

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Veldora's Cave...

It's also where the research department is, so they wouldn't be disturbed in town.

'Oh! Rimuru-sama, Princess!' Gabiru greeted.

'Gabiru, you heard about the meeting?' Rimuru inquired.

'Yes, I heard through Thought Communication.' Gabiru piped up.

'Since you're now in charge of the Development Sector, from now on you are an Executive.' Gabiru's eyes bulged comically in shock. 'You'll be present for meetings when we decide on important matters for instance. Do your best.'

Gabiru choked and almost said 'Ya-' in excitement but the guys behind it got first.

'YAAAAAY!' the other Dragonewts cheered in delighted celebration. 'GABIRU-SAMA GOT PROMOTEEED!'

'H-hey you guys!' Gabiru sputtered in an embarrassed way like a Tsundere. 'Don't be so excited you guys! This should be received quietly with dignity!'

'Gabiru-sama you were just about to say 'yay', right?'

"He did." Ichigo was utterly amused. She heard that.

'What?! You heard that?!'

The monsters are such an excitable bunch. You'd forget they're over a century old, but they're more like teenagers.

Then again, they live long lives like shinigami do...but considering culture here, she likes it here better.

'We have something to take care of in the deeper part of the cave.' said Rimuru. 'Make sure no one approaches, alright?'


"I think promotion was the right call but he gets too excited." Rimuru thought wryly as they two slimes went deeper into the cave, until they arrived at the bottom.

'What a fancy prison...a glowing lake, glowing rocks...something out of fantasy.' Ichigo marveled, looking around before her expression softened. 'But too quiet.'

'Yeah. You'll get used to it after some time.' said Rimuru. 'I wandered for three months on my first life here.' he said, recalling his past in the cave which comprised of blindly going around and eating what he came across. Those were days he did NOT miss, being blind and unable to see, hear and taste. He also can't feel anything due to Pain Resistance.

'So what exactly are the mechanics for Veldora's revival?' Ichigo asked him.

'First, we give Veldora a suitable vessel since he's a spirit, in a way.' Rimuru informed her. 'True Dragons like him can materialize and astralize on a whim thanks to their massive amount of magicules.' he said. 'Since he dismantled his body inside me, he's now a spirit. If I let him out, we'll see his form as a form of Thought Projection, not like the souls back in Earth.'

'Spiritual lifeforms here that don't have a material body unlike back in Earth, will lose their MP over time just to stay in the Material World that rejects their existence unless they have a vessel. Once their energy is depleted, they'll vanish until they revive elsewhere. However...there will be memory-issues.'

'So the mechanics are different here.' Ichigo frowned as she made comparisons of spirits between here and earth. 'Back home that never happens. I guess different world, different rules.'

'Aa. So first, we prepare a vessel. My clone should work.' said Rimuru, creating a now enhanced clone. All clones he now makes, are powerful clones of his demon lord body now.

But...he's staring?

'Oi, why're you staring at your clone? That's a little creepy.' Ichigo pointed out, looking disturbed.

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