Ch 9: The Stellar Void Dragon King

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A void is a vast place that no one can enter, a place filled with chaotic energy, or what is simply called Turn Null, a primordial energy needed to create and destroy worlds and the universe at the same time.

In its vast endless space, two creatures were born at the same time. One was a dragon with black scales, and the other was also a dragon, but his scales were purple instead of black.

The two called themselves Veldanava, the Star King Dragon, and Rimuru, the Stellar Void Dragon King.

The two existed for thousands, no, billions of years in this endless black space until they got bored of talking to each other. One of them had an idea.

The idea was simply to create a place where intelligent life would prosper, and they did so. They created countless numbers of universes.

They observed their creation, but every time, the worlds ended up being destroyed by the very beings that resided in them. A world with magic would destroy itself through wars, and a world without magic would just destroy itself with the very weapons it created.

This went on for millions of years, and every time, the two brothers tried every way possible just to create a peaceful world.

And when all hope seemed lost, one of the worlds they created managed to achieve their goal. That world had a mediator to keep the balance so the residents wouldn't destroy themselves.

Veldanava and Rimuru then decided to create the so-called gods. Their rule was simple: to keep the balance of their world and destroy those who threatened it.


After a long time, Rimuru decided that he wanted to experience what it's like to be mortal.

Rimuru then decided to seal his power inside his Dragon Factor and reincarnate without his memories. Of course, Veldanava was aware of this since Rimuru asked him to look after his Dragon Factor.

After Rimuru reincarnated, Veldanava created more beings ranging from monsters, angels, demons, and more. He also created more universes, and one of them was called the Cardinal World. Inside that universe was a planet called the Central World, where Veldanava decided to have his family called the True Dragons, the strongest existence in all of creation. The Central World was also the place where Veldanava loved a mortal and had a child.

Veldanava lost his power at that time, and his very own creation turned against him and killed him, or so that's what everyone thought.


"I see, so you have been killed by them, huh?" Rimuru said to Veldanava.

"Yeah, I didn't think that they would, hahaha," Veldanava said with a joking tone.

"I see that you are as dumb as always," Rimuru said.

[Master is correct about that,] Ciel said through Rimuru's mind.

"What a rude guy you are, brother," Veldanava said, and the two caught up with each other.

They talked for a while until a pink-haired girl appeared out of nowhere.

"How long do you plan to keep that form, darling?" the girl asked the dragon.

When the dragon heard her voice, it flinched and looked nervous.

"Lu...Lucia, I will change back now," Veldanava said as he transformed into his human form.

"You must be Lucia. Thank you for looking after my idiot brother," Rimuru said as he did an elegant bow.

Lucia only smiled, and the three conversed inside the Star Palace, located in the void where only Rimuru, Veldanava, and those they allowed could enter.

"Say, Velda, why are you two still here? Have you both not missed your young girl?" Rimuru asked.

"I do wish we could be with her, but we don't know if she will still accept us, parents that left her alone for many years," Veldanava said.

Yes, when Velda and Lucia died, Veldanava immediately revived himself. His revival only took a few seconds, but when he tried to revive Lucia, it took him thousands of years since Lucia's soul had been broken into millions of pieces. Searching for specific fragments of her soul took him another thousand years.

Veldanava had to evolve Lucia so that she could handle everything. Lucia evolved from a human to a true dragon, and she would later be known as the True Dragon of Dreams and Nightmares.

"I'll go and confirm if she still wants to see you two, and if she doesn't, I'll adopt her as my own daughter and replace you as her father," Rimuru said with a small grin on his lips.

""Don't you dare!""

Veldanava and Lucia said at the same time, not wanting Rimuru to take their place as Milim's parents.

After that, Rimuru decided to return to the Cardinal World and resume his fight with Veldora.

Of course, Rimuru decided to limit his power before he returned.


When time started to move again, Veldora was surprised because he could now sense Rimuru's Dragon Factor. In fact, he also sensed that Rimuru had gotten more powerful, surpassing him both in terms of Magicule count and physical powers.

"Ready for round two?" Rimuru said.

"Kuhahaha, as expected of my brother. Then let's not hold back," Veldora said as the two continued to clash.

With every punch, they unleashed a powerful shockwave capable of shaking not just the world but the entire universe. Luckily, it was stopped by the barrier that Rimuru, or more specifically Ciel, created.


On the outside, everyone was still watching with the help of Treyni's eyesight and Ichigo's unique skill that let them share each other's sights.

Ichigo was so surprised because she thought that her dad was strong enough to be able to take on the 13 Court Guardian Squad alone, but his new power-up even surpassed everyone she knew. She also wanted to be strong for the sake of her new family. At that time, a voice announcement could be heard all around the Central World.

[Notice: The Voice of the World has acknowledged the individual Ichigo Tempest as the daughter of the Stellar Void Dragon King and has permitted her to evolve to Dragonoid.]


New chapter Hope you all like it.

Up Next: Birth of the Princess of the Void



Name: Rimuru Tempest
Age: Unknown ( 18 years old Physically)
EP: 508,681,123 (without any Energy)
(+2.8Million with Magic Sword)
(Infinite When Full Power)
Race: True Dragon / Digital Life forms (Stellar Void Dragon King --- Supreme Divine Deity)
Blessing: Void Cress
Title: True Demon Lord, Ruler of Monster, Stellar Void Dragon King,

Mana: Ciel

Origin Skill: Information King Akashic Records, Mana breeder reactor, Reactive Evolution

Ultimate skill: Void God Azathoth, Harvest God Shub-Niggurath, Creation God Ahura Mazda, etc

Intrinsic skill: Omniscient, True Dragon spirit Haki, Universal Shapeshift, Information Particles Manipulation

Magic: True Dragon Magic, Death Strike Magic, Abyssal Annihilation, Nuclear Falces, Primitive Magic

Arts: 5 Elemental Aether Break, Melt Strike, Fallen Strike, Imaginary Haze, Blooming 100 petals

Physically-Spiritual attack Nullification, Natural Effect- Abnormal Status Nullification, Holy-Demonic Nullification, Death Nullification

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