Ch 7: True Dragon I

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Rimuru was thinking about the Walpurgis. He knew he needed to be strong since he was facing the powerhouses of this world.

Suddenly, Rimuru thought of an idea for how he could try out his new power.

"Hey, Veldora, can you hear me?" Rimuru asked Veldora through thought communication.

"Oh, Rimuru, is there anything that you need?" Veldora replied.

"Yes, meet me in the Sealed Cave now."

"Alright," Veldora replied.

Rimuru used Spatial Domination to head inside the Sealed Cave. Not long after, Veldora also arrived.

"So why did you call me here, Rimuru?" Veldora asked Rimuru, who was standing still.

"Veldora, can I ask you a favor?" Rimuru said to Veldora.

"Kuhahaha, you can ask me anything, my dear friend."

"Great. I want you to fight me," Rimuru said.

"Ehhh," Veldora, who heard Rimuru's words, got surprised.

"Why would I need to fight you?" Veldora asked.

"I just want to try fighting and know my new power. There are various reasons why I want to fight you, and one of those is that I thought with my current strength I won't be able to stand up against anyone as strong as Milim. So I'm asking the only person I know who can be as strong as Milim. Please allow me to fight you," Rimuru said as he bowed in front of Veldora.

Rimuru knew that with his current strength he might be called strong, but it was still not enough. Now that he has a daughter, he needs to become even more powerful to protect her in this world where the strong survive and the weak die.

Veldora saw that his friend was determined and accepted his request.

"There's no need to hold back, Veldora. Fight me to kill me. If I die, you can just resurrect me using the Soul Corridor that we have," Rimuru said to Veldora.

"Very well, but I will warn you, this fight won't be easy for you," Veldora said.

"I know, old friend," Rimuru said as he took a fighting stance.

"Let's do this, Raphael."

<<Notice: Beginning to analyze the individual named Veldora.>> Raphael's voice resounded in Rimuru's head.

"I'll handle the attack while you focus on defense," Rimuru said to Raphael.

<<As you wish, master.>>


Rimuru then rushed towards Veldora with his enhanced speed and punched Veldora in the face, sending him flying a couple of meters away from Rimuru.

"That was a good punch," Veldora said.

He then retaliated with his own punch. Rimuru blocked it using his hand that was covered with Uriel's Absolute Barrier.

Veldora then repositioned himself to deliver another punch towards Rimuru, but Rimuru also punched Veldora. Their fists collided, sending shockwaves throughout the surroundings and shaking the whole Sealed Cave.

Veldora just smiled and threw a flurry of punches towards Rimuru with insane speed. Even though Rimuru was using Thought Acceleration to speed up his mind a million times, he had trouble keeping up.

"Ahh, I can keep up."

<<Master, I have finished the analysis of individual Veldora's speed. Master has now learned the skill Future Sight. Would master like to use it? [Y/N]>>

"Yes," Rimuru said. As soon as he did, he saw a white line aimed at his belly. Rimuru leaned to the side, and a punch followed the white line's path.

"So this white line shows where the attack is coming from," Rimuru realized.

Veldora's hand slipped past Rimuru, and Rimuru grabbed Veldora's hand and threw him away. Rimuru followed up with his own punch aimed at Veldora's stomach. Veldora, who didn't have enough time to react, took Rimuru's punch head-on.

The two continued fighting. With every punch they threw, a shockwave was generated. Luckily for the people of Tempest, Rimuru created a barrier that would suppress and absorb the shockwaves generated by the fight. Even so, everyone still felt it as two powerful beings were fighting each other.


Ichigo and the others were surprised by the sudden shockwave. They tried to rush towards the Sealed Cave, but it was surrounded by a very powerful barrier.

"Everyone, there is no need to worry. Master must have a reason for putting up this barrier," the newly named Diablo said.

"But we can't just leave my dad there," Ichigo said.

"There is no need to worry, Princess. Master will surely handle it, and even if we enter, we won't be able to survive due to the dense magicule inside," Diablo said.

Ichigo still wanted to go inside, but Treyni appeared.

"Diablo is right, Princess. Rimuru-sama and Veldora-sama are the ones who are fighting, so there is no need to worry."

Everyone was surprised by Treyni's words since Rimuru and Veldora were the ones who were fighting.

After a while, they returned to the city. Treyni was telling them what was happening.


Back in the Sealed Cave, Rimuru and Veldora were fighting at high speed. Veldora fired a beam of concentrated energy towards Rimuru. Rimuru tried to dodge it but failed. Luckily, Rimuru had Uriel active, so he didn't suffer too much damage.

"He really is trying to kill me. I might die if I get careless," Rimuru thought.

<<Negative. Master will not die as long as the Storm Dragon Veldora is alive. This is due to the Ultimate Skill Storm Dragon Veldora, which allows the master to live even if his body is destroyed. As long as Veldora is alive, the master can never truly die, and vice versa. This is what the master wants, so Veldora is attacking the master without holding back.>>

"I see. I need to learn how to battle true dragons and other catastrophe-level beings. Well then, I hope I can meet his expectations."

The fight between them then resumed.


Hello Readers! If you find any mistakes, please do tell me so that I can fix them.

Thanks for reading and have a nice day.

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