Ch 4: Troubles among Demon Lords

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Next day...

The Beastketeers arrived in the eighth day.

Seven days before that, Tempest was attacked by Falmuth and Rimuru became a Demon Lord...and also gave birth to his daughter.

The rest of the days were catching up, planning, recovering and Ichigo learning from Shuna. During those days, the Beastketeers traveled from home to here.

Thus the morning after, they arrived in his residence's conference room.

Due to having a means of communication, the Beastketeers are naturally, up-to-date with their ally's developments.

'In regards to your evolution and the birth of Crown Princess, we express our sincerest congratulations.' Albis spoke as they all bowed in respect before the two slimes.

The princess has a much older-looking appearance than her father and has sharper eyes than he did. Even better, she has a much more feminine appearance than her girly-looking father!

'I heard about the refugees.' said Rimuru. 'I'm glad you guys are safe.' he said in relief, considering he heard that Eurazania's in trouble, but not the specifics.

'Thank you very much.'

'Let's hear about this...what happened in Eurazania?'

'Let me, Phobio the Black Panther speak of it.' Phobio offered. 'A little over less than a week ago, we received a declaration of war from Demon Lord Milim.' he said. 'Carrion-sama prepared for battle. We offered to fight with him as it's war but he said he'll handle her on his own and had us evacuate the people immediately.'

That would make sense, because as a leader, your country comes first and there's no country without people, Ichigo thought.

'Indeed as she promised, she came a week later.' Phobio continued. 'I witnessed the short battle between them.' he said in a pained voice. 'She's...a monster.' he croaked out. 'Carrion-sama gave all he had, only to see she wasn't even grazed and her appearance she donned armor and grew wings.' he told them shakily as the fight replayed in his mind. 'She then let out a blast of power that turned our capital city of Laula into a sea of flames and punched a hole through the mountains.'

They can already imagine such a scenario of horror.

'Carrion-sama was so shocked he didn't see Sky Queen Frey sneak from behind him and slit his throat...' said Phobio in vexation. 'I stayed to witness the fight as my job while Albis and Suphia had our people far away enough. Good thing they were in another direction...she then took Carrion-sama and left.'

'Dad, is that normal behavior for your friend?' Ichigo asked Rimuru.

'Even I agree that while she's certainly capable of it, she's not the type to wipe out cities because she felt like it.' said Rimuru. 'She was like a typical child her age with all emotional crazies that went with it such as easy to anger, temper tantrums and the like, but also easy to pacify if you do it the right way.' he explained. 'Given Carrion's personality, there's no way he'd offend Milim to warrant that.' he said with a frown. 'And another Demon Lord is in on this even...was there some collaboration between factions among the Demon Lords in a power-grab of sorts?' he inquired anxiously.

'If there was, we'd know it and prepare for the worst to keep our country alive as because we are co-rulers, we three focus on Eurazania's survival while Carrion-sama and our soldiers march off to war. We only fight if necessary as ordered.' said Albis. 'And Carrion-sama believes in Meritocracy that even he knows his place among the Ten Demon Lords. There's no way he'd anger anyone stronger than he and he never cared for Demon Lord squabbling. He prefers to stay out of it.'

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