Ch 3: A look into an unknown past

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Her fighting and sword skill exemplary, the monsters could breathe a sigh of relief that their newborn princess is NOT helpless as they thought she'd be, especially considering the situation.

Because there's adventurers and merchants around at the time, they know what TRULY happened in Tempest. Including a live childbirth show.

But since they wanted to know updates before going home as they were Blumund Adventurers as that country's livelihood is information, they dare not go home without complete intel.

Merchants were of the same idea.

For now, because the Officers kept mum, they were clueless.

Because they were keeping it a secret that the princess is OK, until she learns the basics. That, and Rimuru wishes to name her when he recovers.

On the subject of recovery, Rimuru found out the hard way why monsters have few kids, thus tribes have very low populations, unless you're a goblin. Heck, they can't even name their own kid or risk dying as the magicules needed is expensive that it's to DIE for which was why monsters lived whole lives without names. Parents in the Oni Tribe back then, would have two kids. Families will only stop if they have one son and one daughter as the stress of having children, was more on the FATHER than the mother.

The father nearly loses their powers each time mother conceives to give life to the child within and keep them alive as they grow. Mothers on the other hand, stay the same. Carry baby in tummy while eating for two to develop the body.

However, Rimuru was a unique case, that he was BOTH mother and father so he has it worse. Good thing he's a regenerating slime that to form Ichigo's new body, her conception and birth consumed large amounts of his body to form her new body and identity as a slime monster, and because of her strength as a Captain-Class Shinigami, the power he lost was equivalent to what she had when she was alive prior to death.

Hence Rimuru lost enough magicules for Demon Lord Seed levels when he gave birth. And that's still plenty enough.

He was just glad that upon becoming Demon Lord, his pool increases ten times when he recovered through sleep mode. That and Ichigo isn't a hostile Reincarnator. Otherwise Raphael would have digested the newcoming soul by now to protect him after vetting the soul that somehow reincarnated through him.

So now the two slimes are in a part of the forest far away from home to recover by making use of his natural ability as a Slime as Ichigo re-organized her skills as she let out her two spirits who reincarnated as Upper-Tier Spirits, wishing to be with her in her next life to keep protecting her.

Old Man manifested as a Light Spirit while Zangetsu manifested as an unknown spirit-type...the only one of her kind as last Rimuru checked, there's only Fire, Wind, Water, Fire and Space Spirits mostly, with Light Spirits being born when a True Hero's birth is coming. Thus their numbers are proportionate to such individuals existing...and Zangetsu's an anomaly whose type is unknown.

Two Unique Skills that represented her Zanpakuto though Ichigo just had quite the heritage drop on her through old man she was shocked while Rimuru listened. And the old man in her soul was actually the scrap of the good the Quincy King Yhwach has lost upon his defeat last time and he reckons she's lucky to get away from what was coming as his worse than Aizen. Her siblings will be left alone as they have 'insignificant levels' beneath his notice but he was the true reason why her mother died and never her fault as she believed.

Kurosaki Masaki her mother used to be a Pureblood Quincy and a powerful one for her age that she was basically the teenage quincy version of her future daughter. But since she got infected by a Hollow through Aizen's experiments, she was dying through Soul Suicide as Hollows are poisonous to Quincy. But Urahara Kisuke who was researching ways to save the Visored, used those very methods to stabilize her on Isshin's request, at the price of being tethered to her to keep her alive thus he was rendered powerless and later married as staying together is a must, and Isshin went AWOL from Soul Society as he felt its his fault she got into her mess.

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