Chapter Eleven~The Darkness Consumes

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"Sooo..."I start,"How did you guys know Ty was in my room?"I ask.
"Well,"The frog begins,"I went to check on Ty, to see if he was in his room, I've been doing it every night."Ty looks at him funny,"When I saw he wasn't in his room, I got all the leaders, and we rushed to Faith's room. We pressed our ears to the door, and in a couple minutes we heard crying, and talking, so we knew you guys were both in there. And we burst in!!"He concludes.
"Could you enlighten us why you were crying, Faith."Joel asks.
I shift uneasily in my seat and open my mouth to be cut off by Lizzy,"You don't have to tell us."
"No, no, I should tell you....get it off my shoulders,"I take and deep breath and tell them every single detail about the dream.
The leaders murmur amongst themselves.
They soon stop and Adam speaks,"We think the voice who spoke in the colorful part is Notch, and the dark part is Herobrine."He concludes. Did I tell you he got engaged? No? We he did, to a sweet girl named Alesa, she's pregnant too. Babies do spawn, but they also can be born from a mother. Weird, I know. Back to the topic.
"That-that makes sense."I say,"But I question the meanings. I mean, I guess lover means Ty....But what does the voice mean when it said 'Your running out of time'!? I'm so confused."I groan and put my head on the table, frustrated.
"Faith, no need to over work yourself, I'm sure we'll figure it out."Ty says quietly and calmly.
I sit up straight and he puts an arm around me.
"What if something goes wrong, what if my time for whatever this is runs out!"I say panicking, close to hyperventilating, did I tell you, as soon as I entered the overworld I gained asthma. Fun.
Ty rubs circles on my back and shushes me.
I breathe steadily, so I won't start hyperventilating.
"Faith, I think it's best if you let Haylee and Seto figure this out, they can research in their many books, you need to relax. You've been stressing yourself way to much lately,"Alesa says, she's basically second in charge since Adam is in charge of the base entirely.
"Okay..."I whisper. I finish off my coffee,"I'll be in the training room if anyone needs me."
I go to the training room.
I really don't need to train.
But beating the dummies up helps relieve stress, and the leaders have a private training room that followers can't enter.
I start punching a punching bag, accidentally forgetting my gloves.
I feel someone put a hand on my arm.
I stop, and look up to see Ty holding a set of boxing gloves,"It helps if you have gloves,"He chuckles.
I blush, realizing I forgot to put a set on.
Ty helps me put the gloves on my small hands.
I'm actually quite a young leader, being only fifteen, Ty is seventeen, but it doesn't matter what age you are, as long as your above thirteen you can be a leader if you pass a series of tests.
"Thanks."I whisper.
"Are you feeling okay, Faith?"He asks.
"I don't know."I whisper,"I feel a little...."I trail off, not knowing the proper words.
Ty kisses my forehead but quickly pulls away,"Faith, your burning up!"
"That's the word...."I trail off again, feeling kinda faint.
Ty quickly slips my boxing gloves off and picks me up in his arms like a baby and runs to the infirmary (hospital wing), where the many sorceresses and sorcerers roam bored.
When they see Ty carrying me, with a panicked look on his face, they all rush over.
The head doctor pushes his way through the crowd,"What's wrong with her Deadlox?"All the followers refer to us by our second name.
"Her forehead is really warm, and she seems to be on the verge pf fainting."Ty says quickly.
"Follow me."The doctor says.
Ty follow the doctor with me still cradled in his arms.
A pain grows in my head.
An unbelievably painful pain.
A tear slips from my eyes.
Ty notices and says quietly, and soothingly, "It'll be okay Faith, you'll be okay."
The corners of my sight start to turn black.
Slowly my vision fades.
I murmur what could very well be my very last words,"I think this is what the voice meant." And the darkness consumes me.
Such intense.
Many feels.
And Faith.
Me~Back in chapter four you said you'd tell me in chapter five if we are frands again.
Faith~Hmmm....lemme think...No.
Me~Why not?
Me~*groans*I promise you'll be happy when you figure out why.
*big sigh*
bye guys and gals.

✨✨Báī Áppręñtīčëš✨✨

ęvęrÿøñę wáñtš
😄 häppīñêšš, 😄
ñø øñę wáñtš
😢 páīñ. 😢
bût ÿøû čâñt hávę á
🌈 ráīñbøw, 🌈
wīthøût á łīttłę
☔️ ráīñ. ☔️

✨✨Møjø øût✨✨

Faith In The Battle (A mostly Deadlox fanfic)✨COMPLETED✨Where stories live. Discover now