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°•Y/ns pov•°

I arrived at the airport, dragging my grey suitcase behind me. I made my way to the gate.

Elsie was meeting me at the gates.

"Y/n! Over here!" Elsie squeeled, waving from where she stood leant against a wall.

I jogged over, grinning. We hugged each other tightly before making our way onto the aeroplane.

After flopping down onto our seats, we went over the rules.

"Have to cover up your shoulders and knees. Looks like we're going to have to wear leggings when in the match." I said.

Elsie nodded.

We slept for most of the journey. The food was good.

When we finally landed, Elsie and I got off and collected our suitcases.

"James said we were going to meet at the Ritz-Carton. I think that's a hotel." I said, shrugging on my jumper.

We got a taxi to the hotel.

My jaw dropped when I saw the building. It was stunning.

I thanked the driver, and we walked into the lobby.

James and the other team members sat down on a sofa.

"Ah, Y/n , Elsie, our best players come!" James said, beckoning us over.

I walked over, stifling a yawn.

"The plan is to get a good night's sleep. In the morning, we will get up early, half four! Meet here at exactly half past. Now go get a good sleep!" He commanded.

Everyone groaned and got up.

"Yo Y/n, wait up." Harry shouted, running over to me.

"Hey, Harry." I said, dapping him up.

"Cristiano Ronaldo Jr. is going to be playing against us!" He said excitedly.

"What! That's crazy!" I said, laughing at his excitement.

"I know!" He babbled.

"Night, see you in the morning." I said, giving him a quick hug.

"Night." He whispered.

After I had finished washing off my makeup, I did some light skincare and put my hair up in a messy bun.

"Els, I'm going to bed now night." I murmered as I slipped under the covers.

Elsie hummed in response from under her blanket.

The next morning, I woke up to Elsie shaking me.

"Girl, it's quaternary past four you've got fifteen minutes hurry!" She whispered, yelled.

I jumped up and grabbed a towel.

Standing in the shower, I quickly washed myself and my hair.

"Elsie, get my Nike out, will you? Could you also see if my top is hanging up on the chair?" I shouted as I turned the shower off.

I rushed around the bathroom, doing my makeup.

Elsie chucked my clothes at me, and I pulled everything on. I wore my blue football top with my Nike leggings, and Nike socks pulled up over them.

I ran out and pulled on my trainers, chucking my white football boots into my vans bag.

Elsie had filled up my water bottle for me and put it in my bag.

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